Tag Archives: turkey

Internationalist fighters in Rojava call on youth to join Bakur’s resistance


internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ in Rojava have saluted the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan, and called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.

Thursday, January 14, 2016 4:10 PM

Internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ (People’s/Women’s Defense Units) have released a statement saluting the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan. Revolutionaries called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.
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London: Two demos on Monday against assassination of Kurdish youths


The fascist Turkish state executed 12 Kurdish youths in the city of Van on Sunday 10th January. 11 of the youths were shot in the head. Their bodies were then carried to a field near their house to give the impression that they died in a shootout. Turkish state terror is continuing across North Kurdistan as towns are being held under curfew and siege by the Turkish military and police.
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Uccise dalle forze dello stato turco 3 donne militanti


5 gennaio 2016

3 donne militanti  sono state uccise dalle forze dello stato turco in una esecuzione extragiudiziale a Silopi distretto di Şırnak.L’esponente dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Partito democratico delle regioni (BDP) Sêvê Demir,la co-presidente del consiglio del popolo Pakize Nayır e l’attivista del Congresso delle donne libere (KJA) Fatma Uyar,sono state assassinate dalle forze dello stato turco a Silopi dove il coprifuoco rimane in vigore per 23 giorni.
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updates Kurdistan

Youth kidnapped and then executed by police in Silopi680x350cc-srnk-31-12-15-silopi-olum-manset (31.12.2015)

ŞIRNAK (DİHA) – State forces that have yet not been able to break the popular resistance in the areas of self-rule in Şırnak’s Silopi district have started to perpetrate executions in custody.

Whereabouts of Nejat Öden (18) remained unknown for the last three days since he left home to go to a neighbor, when he was believed to have been abducted by special operation police. His death was revealed by a photo showing his dead body.
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TAK claims responsibility for the attack at Sabiha Gökçen Airport (en/es)


(Turkish police search the area around Sabiha Gokcen international airport in Istanbul on 23 December after an explosion left one dead. Photograph: STR/EPA)

Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (also known as the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks, Teyrêbazên Azadiya Kurdistan, or TAK) has claimed responsibility for the mortar attack at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen Airport on 23 December 2015.


Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (also known as the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks, Teyrêbazên Azadiya Kurdistan, or TAK) has claimed responsibility for the mortar attack at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen Airport on 23 December 2015.
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YDG-H: 35 members of security forces killed in Cizre and Silopi (en/es)


As Kurdish people’s self-rule resistance in response to the attacks of Turkish forces continues, actions by local self-defense units left 35 members of Turkish military and police forces dead, and 7 others wounded in Cizre and Silopi.

Monday, December 28, 2015 5:55 PM

As Kurdish people’s self-rule resistance in response to the attacks of Turkish forces continues, actions by local self-defense units left 35 members of Turkish military and police forces dead, and 7 others wounded in Cizre and Silopi districts of Şırnak.
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Turquie : Anonymous revendique la cyberattaque contre la Turquie

Dans une vidéo mise en ligne, les Anonymous menacent le gouvernement de la Turquie, s’il n’arrête pas de soutenir le Daesh, de continuer à attaquer son internet, ses serveurs, ses noms de domaines, ses banques et mettre ses sites gouvernementaux hors connexion. Après les serveurs et les noms de domaines, ils menacent de s’en prendre aux aéroports, actifs militaires, connexions privées de l’État et infrastructures bancaires.
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