Tag Archives: turkey

Osman Evcan’la Mektup Dayanışması


Osman Evcan’a girmiş olduğu açlık grevi sürecinde, yalnız olmadığını, içeride ve dışarıda dayanışma ağını genişlettiğimizi ve otoriteye karşı vermiş olduğu mücadelede yanında olduğumuzu bir kez daha göstermek için, pazar günü saat 13:00’dan itibaren İnfial‘de Osman Evcan’a mektup göndermek için buluşuyoruz.

Adres: Turan caddesi 36/A Tarlabaşı/İstanbul 

ABC İstanbul

22-year-old shot in police crackdown in Amed dies

Turkish police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the main Kurdish city Amed who started a march from Koşuyolu Park to the central Sur district to break the siege ongoing for 88 days.

urkish police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the main Kurdish city Amed who started a march from Koşuyolu Park to the central Sur district to break the siege ongoing for 88 days.

22-year-old Abdullah Yılmaz whom police shot in the head in Mevlana Halit neighborhood of Bağlar district got heavily wounded as a result of the attack. People around rushed Yılmaz to a private hospital where he succumbed to the heavy injury he had sustained.


Turkish police fire rubber bullets to break up Women’s Day rally

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Turkish police on Sunday briefly detained at least one woman and fired rubber bullets to disperse a crowd of hundreds of people trying to mark International Women’s Day in central Istanbul.

The group, which gathered two days before official Women’s Day commemorations on March 8 in order to draw more supporters on a Sunday, had ignored a ban on the march by the Istanbul governor who scrapped this year’s rally, citing security concerns.
Continue reading Turkish police fire rubber bullets to break up Women’s Day rally

Turchia. Appello alla resistenza da donne detenute


Nella prigione, femminile di Sincan ad Ankara, le prigioniere di MLKP (Partito comunista di Turchia marxista-leninista), TKP/ML (Partito comunista di Turchia/marxista-leninista) e MKP (Partito comunista maoista di Turchia) hanno condotto una serie di azioni contro le operazioni di annientamento compiute da AKP e a favore della resistenza opposta dagli organi di autogoverno in Kurdistan, con le quali hanno agito in carcere e hanno chiamato tutti a sostenere la resistenza in Kurdistan.
Continue reading Turchia. Appello alla resistenza da donne detenute

MARSEILLE : Atelier d’écriture et bouffe vegan en soutien à Osman Evcan !


Osman Evcan débute sa 4ème grève de la faim pour obtenir des repas vegans et protester contre ses conditions de détention.

Pour le soutenir, dimanche à partir de 14h au Kiosk un Atelier d’écriture  aux prisonnièr-es  (38 rue Clovis Hugues à la Belle mai) est organisé en solidarité, suivi d’un Knockin on vegan’s door à la Salle Gueule à 19h!

Turkey: 2 women DHKP-C fighters killed following armed action against police in Istanbul

Istanbul, Turkey, 03.03.16: Two women militants from the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front) have been killed by police after they attacked a riot police bus with automatic weapons and home made bombs at the entrance of the Riot Police Directorate in Bayrampaşa.

After the initial attack the two women withdrew to a nearby building that was quickly besieged by the police. A firefight with the police soon erupted. The women were severely outgunned and outnumbered however they kept on firing and throwing bombs right until the end.
Continue reading Turkey: 2 women DHKP-C fighters killed following armed action against police in Istanbul

Turkey: Repression against anarchist & revolutionary students


03.03.16: The Ayazaga Campus of Istanbul Techical University (ITU) has recently witnessed the efforts of jihadist fascists groups with supports of police and private security forces aiming that turn the campus into their propaganda place. Today, the private security forces with policemen raided the classrooms under pretext of ID checking at around 12 o’clock, just before the calling of revolutionist and anarchists students for press release at 12.30.
Continue reading Turkey: Repression against anarchist & revolutionary students

Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)


Hi, I wish everyone healthy, pleasant, free lives, I send my love and greetings.

I was exiled from Kocaeli No 1 F Type prison on 05.02.2016 and taken to Silivri prison by force.

Our VEGAN ALIMENTATION RIGHT, which we have obtained through hunger strike in Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison is totally usurped and destroyed in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison, which I have been exiled=transferred to. The aim of this exile=transfer was to practice the violation of right in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison. This planned scheme is put into action in this prison.
Continue reading Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)