Tag Archives: under control

Udine | Trieste – Denunce per manifesti solidali con Alfredo e Nicola

Si apprende solo ora dell’esistenza di un procedimento contro ignoti presso la procura di Trieste, partito dalla denuncia datata 25 giugno 2015 di un digossino di Udine, per diffamazione e minaccia aggravata per dei manifesti trovati affissi l’8 giugno 2016 nel centro studi di Udine. Manifesti in solidarietà ai compagni Alfredo Cospito e Nicola Gai e contro la polizia.

alcuni anarchici udinesi

No Tav: due arresti e quattro obblighi di firma per fermo dopo cena in Clarea 17 settembre 2015


Apprendiamo da Notav.info che questa mattina, sul presto, è iniziata un’operazione giudiziaria contro alcuni no tav, due agli arresti e quattro con obblighi di firma (per La Stampa, ma sono sette le persone coinvolte per Notav.info) con la perquisizione della Credenza di Bussoleno e del presidio di Venaus.
Continue reading No Tav: due arresti e quattro obblighi di firma per fermo dopo cena in Clarea 17 settembre 2015

Profession and Movement – Aufheben Scandal (UK)


Libcom & Aufheben – Snitches, collaborators and enemies

Three years ago a small scandal took place when the Greek group TGTP published in an open letter that the co-founder of Aufheben, John Drury, lead workshops for the police and military and is known as a “provider of ideas” in these circles. These workshops took part within the framework of his academic career researching Crowd Control, mass panics and rescue operations. Together with his closest colleagues Stott and Reicher he has developed the Elaborated Social Identity Model (ESIM). The social psychologist Stott is renowned to be one of the globally leading experts for protests and violent uprisings. ESIM claims that a ‘mob’ acts according to certain patterns: people in a crowd have individual thoughts and emotions, so when the crowd is attacked indifferently by the police, people act in solidarity with each other and resist together. Therefore ESIM advices that the police should proceed in a multi-levelled approach and extract ‘individual perpetrators’ from the crowd. Using such kind of methods, Stott coordinated security preparations for the European football cup in Poland and Ukraine in 2012. (for more details see both open letters by TPTG)[1]
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Profession and Movement – Aufheben Scandal (UK)


Libcom & Aufheben – Snitches, collaborators and enemies

Three years ago a small scandal took place when the Greek group TGTP published in an open letter that the co-founder of Aufheben, John Drury, lead workshops for the police and military and is known as a “provider of ideas” in these circles. These workshops took part within the framework of his academic career researching Crowd Control, mass panics and rescue operations. Together with his closest colleagues Stott and Reicher he has developed the Elaborated Social Identity Model (ESIM). The social psychologist Stott is renowned to be one of the globally leading experts for protests and violent uprisings. ESIM claims that a ‘mob’ acts according to certain patterns: people in a crowd have individual thoughts and emotions, so when the crowd is attacked indifferently by the police, people act in solidarity with each other and resist together. Therefore ESIM advices that the police should proceed in a multi-levelled approach and extract ‘individual perpetrators’ from the crowd. Using such kind of methods, Stott coordinated security preparations for the European football cup in Poland and Ukraine in 2012. (for more details see both open letters by TPTG)[1]
Continue reading Profession and Movement – Aufheben Scandal (UK)

[Communication] Contra Info has a new pgp key

(For cryptographic privacy and authentication with encrypted data)

We now have a pgp key to use for encrypted communication, for those of you who may wish to use it or require it.

Click here to download it in .asc text format (armored).

Obviously, we still receive unencrypted emails at contrainfo[at]espiv.net. You can also submit texts anonymously by using our comments section
(select: Leave a comment; fill in the blank field; then press: Post Comment).

Solidarity with our crypto comrades!
Contra Info

in French and German


Repressione No Tav | Rimini – Quattro indagati per terrorismo, perquisizioni del ROS


In attesa di maggiori informazioni, apprendiamo dai media locali di
un’operazione repressiva messa in atto nelle prime ore della mattina del
14 marzo. La procura di Rimini ha posto sotto indagine quattro compagni
per terrorismo in merito al sabotaggio di veicoli della Emir Spa,
azione avvenuta nel gennaio 2013 e rivendicata attraverso una scritta
lasciata sul muro della ditta: “Cmc ecoterrorista, solidarietà a Nico,
Claudio, Chiara e Mattia e alla lotta No Tav”. I carabinieri del ROS di
Roma hanno perquisito le abitazioni dei quattro.

Seguiranno aggiornamenti.

Acerca de los Grupos de Ayuda Mutua promovidos por la Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)


Durante el año 2015 la Generalitat de Catalunya, a través de su consejería de salud, impulsó un proyecto con el nombre de ‘Activa’t’. Este proyecto como informa la nota de prensa del gobierno catalán trata de convertir a los familiares de personas con trastornos mentales en ‘agentes activos’ en el proceso de atención y recuperación de la ‘enfermedad’. Se trataría de ‘poner a disposición un circuito estructurado que permita el acceso a la información, formación y fomento del empoderamiento, así como el apoyo continuado con acciones coordinadas entre los recursos ya existentes de las diferentes redes que intervienen en la atención a la personas’. Un objetivo muy loable, pero sobre el que queremos reflexionar algunos aspectos que consideramos problemáticos.
Continue reading Acerca de los Grupos de Ayuda Mutua promovidos por la Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)

How the FBI Monitored Crusty Punks, ‘Anarchist Hangouts,’ and an Organic Farmers’ Market Under the Guise of Combating Terrorism


The FBI conducted a three-year investigation, dubbed “Seizing Thunder,” into a animal-rights and environmental “terrorists” in the Pacific Northwest that devolved into widespread—and seemingly pointless—surveillance of activists for no apparent reason aside from the fact that they were anarchists, or protested the war in Iraq, or were “militant feminists.” Here’s the file.

I first came across the name “Seizing Thunder” several years ago while rifling through the FBI’s investigative files on the Animal Liberation Front. The ALF records obliquely referenced the evocatively named investigation, which I requested via the Freedom of Information Act just for kicks. Last month—after three years—the FBI returned nearly 500 pages (it held back 784).
Continue reading How the FBI Monitored Crusty Punks, ‘Anarchist Hangouts,’ and an Organic Farmers’ Market Under the Guise of Combating Terrorism

Kurdish Reporter Faces Jail Time in Turkey for Twitter and Facebook Posts


(On 26 July 2015, Turkish police special forces stormed Gazi Cemevi, a place of worship for Alawites, with tear gas and rifles at Istanbul’s Gazi neighbourhood. The operation aimed at confiscating the body of Günay Özarslan, who was killed in a police raid two days before. Public funerals are a form of protest for the minorities in Turkey. Photo by Hayri Tunç.)

Continue reading Kurdish Reporter Faces Jail Time in Turkey for Twitter and Facebook Posts