Tag Archives: Victor Serge



Le Rétif

A collaborator of the “Dépêche de Toulouse,” M. Eugène Fournière, recently commented on the prose of M. Ernest La Jeunesse and the article in response to it that appeared here. M. Eugene Fournière, analyzing my defense of the “bandits” writes that “the murder of a messenger carrying receipts or the violation of a grave” will not “put a stop to the culpable regime.” He adds that if, like me, his sympathies are for “those who fights” he distinguishes between those who fight to satisfy their hunger, like a wolf, and “capital’s oppressed and exploited, who are uniting and learning in order to attain to collective leadership.”
Continue reading Expedients

The Revolutionary Illusion (en/fr)


Le Rétif

“Humanity marches enveloped in a veil of illusions,” a thinker – Marc Guyau – said. In fact, it seems that without this veil men aren’t capable of marching. Barely has reality torn a blindfold from them than they hasten to put on another, as if their too-weak eyes were afraid to see things as they are. Their intelligence requires the prism of falsehood.
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Città senza evasione possibile

Memorie di un Rivoluzionario Victor Serge

L’anarchismo ci prendeva per intiero perché ci chiedeva tutto, ci offriva tutto: non c’era un solo angolo della vita che non rischiarasse, almeno così ci sembrava. Si poteva essere cattolici, protestanti, liberali, radicali, socialisti, anche sindacalisti senza nulla cambiare del

la propria vita, e per conseguenza della vita: bastava dopo tutto leggere il giornale corrispondente; a rigore frequentare il caffè degli uni o degli altri. Intessuto di contraddizioni, dilaniato in tendenze e sottotendenze, l’anarchismo esigeva anzitutto l’accordo tra gli atti e le parole (cosa che in verità esigono tutti gli idealismi, ma che tutti dimenticano, addormentandosi): per questa ragione andammo alla tendenza estrema (in quel momento), quella che mediante una dialettica rigorosa arrivava, a forza di rivoluzionarismo, a non aver più bisogno di rivoluzione. Eravamo un po’ spinti dal disgusto di un certo anarchismo accademico molto assennato, di cui Jean Grave era il pontefice ai Temps nouveaux.
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Las militantes anarquistas individualistas: mujeres libres en la Belle Époque


Anne Steiner


[Traducción: Diego L. Sanromán]

En los trabajos que reconstruyen la génesis del movimiento feminista apenas se citan las figuras de las mujeres anarco-individualistas de principios del siglo XX. Tal vez, porque, siendo hostiles tanto al régimen parlamentario como a la relación salarial, se mantuvieron al margen de los combates emprendidos por las feministas de la Belle Époque para la obtención del derecho al voto y por la mejora de las condiciones de trabajo de las mujeres; y acaso también porque, con excepción de artículos publicados en la prensa libertaria y de algunos panfletos hoy olvidados, dejaron pocas huellas escritas.
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Le Rétif

It constitutes the basis of every animal mentality. Being necessary, it is legitimate. “Legitimate” — such picturesque language. In truth, our language is poorly adapted to reality. I mean to say that, primordial and indisputable, it is beyond our good and evil; it is. We glimpse it in various forms that can be reduced to two essential forms, and this has allowed us to imagine a conflict between altruism and egoism: egoism of the weak, altruism of the strong.
Continue reading Egoism

Their Peace


Le Rétif

The idea of war is on everybody’s mind nowadays. People are already calling up visions of battlefield horrors, towns on fire, corpses strewn along the roads, decimated regiments and famine and fear in the peaceful cities… Just imagining that a repetition of these sights is possible bewilders and stuns the population. War is beautiful in the stories of Ch. D’Esparbès and the novels of Captaine Danrit. War is glorious in the history books. In reality it is horrible and everyone knows it. The weak and spineless, just thinking about it, are quick to declare their love for peace…
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La Prehistoria de la “Banda Bonnot” x Victor Serge


(Fragmento De Memorias de mundos desaparecidos por Victor Serge, donde bosqueja su temporal adhesión al Anarquismo, haciendo una pequeña semblanza de algunos de los que a la postre serían conocidos como “Los Bandidos Trágicos”: Raymond Callemin “La Ciencia”, Edouard Carouy y Jean De Boe)
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