Il reportage redatto da Pablo Ernesto Piovano documenta i danni alla salute umana provocati dall’esposizione ai pesticidi, liberamente commercializzati e impiegati nel trattamento di colture alimentari, giardini e campi sportivi.
Il riflettore viene puntato con particolare attenzione sul glifosato, principio attivo del Roundup, erbicida di produzione Monsanto commercializzato e utilizzato fin dal 1974.
L’esposizione a questa sostanza può provocare sterilità maschile, malformazioni del feto nel corso della gravidanza, cancro; il glifosato, finendo nel nostro organismo, attacca le pareti del tratto gastrointestinale, uccidendo i batteri benefici che ospitiamo e mettendo a serio rischio la nostra salute: l’80% delle difese immunitarie si trovano proprio in questi organi.
Continue reading Il costo umano dei pesticidi
Tag Archives: video
Denuncian violento desalojo de predios explotados por forestal Mininco
La comunidad de Rankilko acusó violencia policial en el accionar en el que habrían participado trabajadores de la empresa que pertenece al grupo Matte.
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Antifa-Demo Spielfeld (15.11.2015)
A couple of hundred antifascist successfully blocked a rally of Austrian and Slovenian nazis ( Identitären) at Austian-Slovenian border. The antifascist message was clear: No Game for Nazis / Kein Spielfeld für Nazis / Ni špila za naciste!
No Tav, passeggiata a sorpresa al cantiere: fuochi d’artificio e lacrimogeni
Altra serata di lotta no tav, altra passeggiata a sorpresa al cantiere subito dopo l’apericena davanti ai cancelli della centrale elettrica.
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Greece: Rage in the streets of central Athens
Riots broke out in the streets of central Athens on November 12th 2015, day of general strike. Before the morning demonstration, hooded protesters chased a team of uniformed cops who were patrolling on foot near the Archeological Museum, in Patission Street, and beat up at least one of the pigs. Just after Omonoia Square, a Bazaar supermarket chain store, which was open despite the general strike, was trashed until its managers lowered the roller shutters. A little further on, near the Old Parliament building, a minivan belonging to OTE telecommunications company was burned.
Continue reading Greece: Rage in the streets of central Athens
[Video] La Lucha De Pope
Santiago: Solidaridad a flor de piel – V Convención de Tatuajes y Arte Corporal
V Convención de Tatuajes y Arte Corporal
Pro Fondos Prisionerxs de la Guerra Social
Continue reading Santiago: Solidaridad a flor de piel – V Convención de Tatuajes y Arte Corporal
Kielce, Poland: Message against arson at an open-air market
No States, No Borders! FAI-IRF Solidarity with refugees
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Families Demonstrate against Living Conditions, Are Attacked by Police/ Les forces de l’ordre attaquent une manifestation de familles
Today during the early afternoon, several families, with many woman and children, were holding a protest against the living conditions and the police violence in the jungle. This family protest was prevented from taking place by very large numbers of CRS. The CRS blocked the protest at the end of Rue des Garennes. The CRS showed up with eight vans and between 30 and 40 cops. They were equipped with shields and helmets. They brandished their bats and pepper spray cans. They even sprayed woman and children with cans of pepper spray from very close range. There were also baton rushes towards groups that included children. One woman present was thrown on the floor and police tried to steal at least one camera. By blocking this peaceful protest the French state is once again hiding whats happening in the jungle from the public and once again inflicting violence on people that fled to Europe seeking safety.
Continue reading Families Demonstrate against Living Conditions, Are Attacked by Police/ Les forces de l’ordre attaquent une manifestation de familles
$HILE: URGENTE, Violento desalojo a Comunidad Mapuche Nawelpi de Los Sauces
violento desalojo policial dejó gravemente herido al Lonko de la comunidad Mapuche Nawelpi, Emilio Antipan Pichun, de 74 años, quien quedó con una fractura de cráneo y disparos en las piernas. Mientras que su hijo también resultó herido y varios integrantes de la comunidad fueron detenidos.
La comunidad Nawelpi 2, del sector Tromen de Los Sauces, lleva adelante un proceso de recuperación territorial en el “fundo La Permuta II”, predio que se encuentra actualmente en manos de la empresa forestal “Bosques Cautín”, correspondiente al territorio demandado por la comunidad.
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