El 28 y 29 de mayo tendrán lugar unas jornadas en apoyo a la lucha que se está llevando actualmente en Francia contra la reforma laboral y el mundo que la impone. El 28 (a las 19:00h en la Librería CSA La libre) hablaremos de la resistencia que están llevando campesinos y habitantes de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des Landes contra la construcción de un aeropuerto. Visualizaremos el documental “Construire la ZAD” (25 minutos, subtitulado al castellano) y comentaremos el estado actual de la lucha. Después de la charla, habrá una merienda-cena con bote solidario.
Tag Archives: Zad
Nouvelle brochure: « C’est quoi la ZAD ? »
Une brochure vient de paraître aux éditions Tout mais pas l’indifférence: un texte écrit en août 2015 par quelques occupant-e-s de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes, « C’est quoi la ZAD« , à lire et télécharger sur infokiosques.net.
Continue reading Nouvelle brochure: « C’est quoi la ZAD ? »
Lons-le-Saunier (Jura): récit d’une arrestation – venez soutenir Grégoire à son appel le 4 mai !
Bonjour, Grégoire a été arrêté et incarcéré suite à un infotour de la ZAD à Lons-le-Saunier.
Un certain nombre d’entre vous l’avez rencontré lors des réunions d’infos de ces dernier mois ou sur la ZAD.
Nous appelons à relayer cet appel et à venir le soutenir le 4 mai à Rennes lors de son procès.
Continue reading Lons-le-Saunier (Jura): récit d’une arrestation – venez soutenir Grégoire à son appel le 4 mai !
[Soirée de soutien] Les prisons en question
Soirée de soutien aux 4 condamné.e.s de la ZAD de Haren
Continue reading [Soirée de soutien] Les prisons en question
Nantes, France: Report-back on the demonstration of March 31st
Today, March 31st, a new day of mobilisation against labour reforms took place. Everywhere in France colleges were blockaded, schools were on strike and several demonstrations occurred which ended in conflict against the cops, like in Toulouse, Marseille, Rennes, Nantes and Paris.
In Nantes, the demonstration gathered more than 30,000 people, and all along the procession, banks were attacked with hammers and extinguishers, the City Hall was smashed up, a Vinci agency (the builders of the airport on the ZAD of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes) was repainted, just like the Socalist Party office. The luxury hotel Le Radisson, located within the walls of the former criminal court, is one of the symbols of Nantes-style gentrification: the prison, which is based behind, was entirely cleared out to leave clean space for the rich. For this occasion it was repainted with lots of extinguishers, a little wink to Georges Courtois, who took the court hostage during his trial in 1985 with Abdelkarim Khalki and Patrick Thiolet.
Continue reading Nantes, France: Report-back on the demonstration of March 31st
News from Calais
On Friday, when the judge at Boulogne-sur-mer announced, three times that the trial of 8 friends was irregular the court room erupted into applause and cheering. Waiting outside were a brace of Police de l’Air et des Frontières (PAF) waiting to take 5 of them (the foreigners) to detention after they had been served with Obligation de Quitter la Territoire Français (OQTF). But these had already escaped and were not present to appreciate the announcement of their victory.
Continue reading News from Calais
Toulouse, France: Incendiary Attack Against Vinci Trucks
Solidarity arson
Toulouse Saturday 27th February
We set fire to several trucks on a Vinci construction site.
We wanted to kick start a fire.
To have fun together,
to not go where we were expected.
It was great.
A fire in winter is warming.
Support to all the crusty kids, zadists or not
[Note: Vinci is the construction company planning to construct the controversial Notre Dame des Landes airport, which as met fierce resistance in the form of the ZAD (zone à défendre)]
Nantes, France: Resistance demo against the states of emergency – February 20th
Published January 25th via MIA:
No injuries, nor arrests, instead numerous facades revisited
Continue reading Nantes, France: Resistance demo against the states of emergency – February 20th
Chambar’tout numéro 4
St Julien Molin Molette : soirée de soutien à la ZAD
Ça commencera à 18h avec l’Info-Tour de la ZAD qui nous parlera des actions en cours, de la situation juridique, la vie sur le terrain, l’histoire de la lutte, les perspectives…
Après, y’aura de quoi dîner sur place avec un petit stand pizza prix libre et un bar.
Et ensuite vers 22h, du son contre l’aéroport avec un concert de hip-hop du collectif de la ZAD : Contre-coup + guests
Attention : si les expulsions commencent d’ici là à la ZAD, tout est annulé !
Rejoignons nous là bas !