Ya han pasado 4 años desde que escuchamos ese estremecedor llamado hecho por weichafe que defendían el cuerpo del compañero Matías, tras ser abatido a tiros por un bastardo. Matías y sus compañeros se encontraban recuperando un terreno ancestral usurpado por los latifundistas anti-mapuches de la familia Luchsinger. Continue reading Matias Catrileo Renace. Carta de los compañeros presos de la Lucha Callejera→
“If the prison authorities are determined to detain me, even unlawfully, unless I compromise my basic human integrity by never questioning or challenging their abuses of power, then I am prepared to die in here.” – John Bowden
Opinion is a vast merchandise that everyone possesses and uses. Its
production involves a large portion of the economy, and its consumption
takes up much of people’s time. Its main characteristic is clarity. Continue reading “A Eulogy to Opinion” – Alfredo M. Bonanno→
After publishing Close Supervision Centres – Torture Units in the UK in April 2012, we received correspondence from people that had been held in CSCs or who had known family or friends who are or have been. A year on and conditions in the CSCs are no better. This is a brief follow up to serve as an accompanying publication to the original, keeping information coming out about what is going on… Continue reading Close Supervision Centres in the UK #2/1 – A Brief Follow Up→
A tiny minority of people are waging an unrelenting war against the Earth and it’s inhabitants. Knowing very well they can never rule the entire planet, they’ve decided to destroy what they don’t need and hoard what they do. Continue reading Biocide and Against The New World Order→
Tukijo is a farmer and activist from Kulon Progo, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. He was kidnapped by the state and jailed for 2 years and 6 months, after the bloom of resistence against the mega-mining project from Australian company backed up by the provincial goverment and police. Tukijo accused as kidnapper of two officers from the mining company and provocateur for disturbing social peace. He faced fake trials with fake witnesses in the court. He was active member of the local struggle and became one the leading figures in Kulon Progo at the time. Continue reading Kulon Progo: Tukijo, the farmer and activist who was jailed for 2,5 years in Jogjakarta is free (Indonesia)→
nota colab_h-communism
Era un lunes 29 de abril del año 2007 y mas de 5000 trabajadores de la empresa Bosques Arauco, perteneciente al grupo Angellini, toma la histórica decisión de irse a paro Indefinido. Las reivindicaciones eran de un aumento de 40% de los salarios para todos los trabajadores en una empresa donde se llegan a pagar salarios de 40 mil pesos. Continue reading A 5 años del Asesinato de Rodrigo Cisternas→