“No es una falta que te resistas contra mí y que afirmes tu particularidad, tu individualidad: no tienes que ceder ni que renegar de ti mismo.”
Max Stirner
Continue reading El Miedo al Conflicto x Feral Faun
“No es una falta que te resistas contra mí y que afirmes tu particularidad, tu individualidad: no tienes que ceder ni que renegar de ti mismo.”
Max Stirner
Continue reading El Miedo al Conflicto x Feral Faun
Massimo Passamani (1996)
Molti degli equivoci a proposito della gestione democratica del potere nascono, a mio avviso, dall’ambiguita’ del concetto di consenso. Un ragionamento ormai diffuso tra un buon numero di anarchici e’ quello che segue.
Titulo original: Cómo la No Violencia protege al Estado
Autor: Peter Gelderloos
Continue reading Cómo la No Violencia protege al Estado – Peter Gelderloos (libro)
Odio i rassegnati!
Odio i rassegnati, come odio i sudici, come odio i fannulloni.
Odio la rassegnazione! Odio il sudiciume, odio l’inazione.
Continue reading Ai rassegnati Albert Libertad (1905) it/en/es/fr
ACTIVISM IS MY REVENGE! is a new 32 page pamphlet from Leeds Anarchist Black Cross. It is published at a time when repression is both widespread and increasing, and when resistance to that repression will inevitably lead to more and more people going to prison. Also at a time when the lengths, and depths, that the State will go to in terms of infiltrating and spying on our movement has been increasingly revealed. In the wake of this, while some are cowed or intimidated, ACTIVISM IS MY REVENGE! gives a bold ‘two fingers’ to the cops.
Continue reading ACTIVISM IS MY REVENGE! (Mark Barnsley)
By Errico Malatesta
AGAINST MONARCHY – A Call to All Progressive People.
This article was widely diffused in Italy in 1899, following the massacres and condemnations which happened the previous year. The aim was to spread the idea of the union of all anti-monarchy parties aimed to the insurrection against the monarchy, without renouncing principles of each individual party, and without commitment to what each will want to do after the fall of the monarchy. Here is a substantial part of it.
Continue reading Against Monarchy
On the 2nd of April, prisoners destroyed the new isolation unit in the prison of Brugge (Belgium). This new isolation unit was opened almost ten months ago and apparently didn’t reach it’s objective to break the spirit of rebellion amongst certain prisoners. The riot and destructions obliged the prison directories to close the new unit down.
Continue reading About the destruction of the isolation unit in Brugge
Petizioni, proteste, risoluzioni, a centinaia di migliaia — tutto invano! I padroni trionfano: Joe Hill è morto, ammazzato, assassinato.
Continue reading Abbaiare non basta
Here is an English translation of an article from the journal Conspiracion Acrata from Mexico referring to the idea of “Antiguiridismo Anarchico”. We hope you like it.
Continue reading About “Anti-Judicial Anarchism”, Max Stirner, Luigi Galleani, CCF & More (Mexico)
La guerriglia è una forma di lotta contro l’ordine stabilito che viene da lontano. Nello stato spagnolo è ben conosciuta con quel nome dai tempi della dittatura del generale Franco.
Continue reading Dichiarazione di Jose Rodríguez nel processo contro Lotta Rivoluzionaria ad Atene (13.9.2012) it/es/gr