Towards Anarchism by Errico Malatesta (1930s)

italia-cason 1930

It is a general opinion that we, because we call ourselves revolutionists, expect Anarchism to come with one stroke – as the immediate result of an insurrection which violently attacks all that which exists and which replaces all with institutions that are really new. And to tell the truth this idea is not lacking among some comrades who also conceive the revolution in such a manner.
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World Gone Mad (en/fr)


The diagnosis is clear

by Derrick Jensen

I DON’T KNOW about you, but whenever I attend some “green” conference, I know I’m supposed to leave feeling inspired and energized, but instead I feel heartbroken, discouraged, defeated, and lied to. It’s not the inevitable talk about farmers (re)discovering organic farming; about plastic forks made from cornstarch; about solar photovoltaics; about relocalizing; about the joys of simple living; about grieving the murder of the planet; about “changing our stories”; and most especially about maintaining a positive attitude that gets me down. It’s that no one, and I mean no one, ever mentions psychopathology.
Continue reading World Gone Mad (en/fr)

Un saludo a las bestias indomables de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego. (2011) es/it


Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras


Por medio de este breve escrito queremos entregar un saludo solidario a los prisioneros de Conspiración de Celulas del Fuego, especialmente a aquellos que intentaron fugarse de la prisión de Koridallos en Grecia. Queremos también reflexionar sobre algunos temas y hacer memoria sobre otras hermosas fugas.

¿Abogados o fugas? Una decisión individual que debemos respetar.
Continue reading Un saludo a las bestias indomables de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego. (2011) es/it



La Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, una notte del novembre 1994, a Milano. Le ricchezze solidificate in buona pietra scura, riposano tranquille. I segni visibili del potere (Berlusconi e’ di queste parti), nella semioscurita’, sembrano eterni. Poi il fuoco. Questa forza rigeneratrice che trasforma in pochi minuti la calma e l’attesa centenaria dei palazzi in un andirivieni ansimante e confuso di pompieri e poliziotti. Il cuore stesso di Milano, e’ stato disturbato. Il ristorante Savini e’ andato in fumo, insieme al bar Salotto.