Ediciones Acéfalo.

ACEFALO Ediciones

Ediciones Acéfalo.

Somos un grupúsculo de individuos confinados en la región del Maule, pequeño terruño del planeta que cuelga como murciélago en las australes tierras del continente americano, que por la ruleta caótica del azar se agruparon con la finalidad de entregar material literario que contribuyera a la conciencia crítica de las personas que habitan el siglo XXI. Radicamos en tierra de nadie y buscamos expandirnos como una pandemia por todos los rincones de América Latina.
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In The Open Air — Notes on repression and related matters (en/it/fr)


An Uninhabitable House

Leaping to the Heart of the Opportunity

Don’t Say that We Are Few…

The Great Game

The notes that follow spring from a need: that of reflecting together on the current situation with the aim of finding the thread of a possible perspective. They are the fruit of various discussions in which the critical balance of past experience, the dissatisfaction with endeavors of struggle now going on and hope for existing potentialities blended together. They are not the line of one group in competition with another. Nor do they have any pretense or illusion of filling the voids — of life and projectual passion — with any more or less formal agreement on a few theses. If they contain unpleasant critiques, it is not for the sake of advancing them as an end in itself, but rather because I believe that it is still necessary to say unpleasant things. Like all the words in this world, they will only find an echo in those who feel a similar need. In short, a small basis for discussion in order to reach an understanding of what we can do, and with whom.

«We must abandon all models, and study our possibilities.»
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About ‘’ANTI-JUDICIAL ANARCHISM’’, Max Stirner, Luigi Galleani, CCF & More.


Here i san english translation o fan article fron the journal  ‘’Conspiracion Acrata’’   from Mexico, referring to the idea of ‘’Antigiuridismo Anarchico’’
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Udine – Anarchici arrestati e denunciati


Ieri notte (tra il 13 e il 14 novembre) è stato arrestato Kabu un nostro compagno e amico con l’ accusa di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. In realtà il semplice fatto di essere sprovvisto di documenti durante un controllo da parte della polizia è stato il pretesto per quest’ ultimi per malmenare e minacciare Kabu e chi era con lui.
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