4 Struugle Magazine – Introduction to Issue 23


Greetings, interested readers, friends, fellow activists and revolutionaries, welcome to #23, the Fall Issue of 4SM.  With this issue, let me warmly welcome Ward Churchill, the internationally known author and activist as a regular columnist with 4SM.  Be sure to check out Ward’s first column, “Lynne Stewart and the Perversion of Compassionate Release.”

Let me also welcome the Jericho Freedom Movement for Political Prisoners.  Beginning with this issue, a Jericho newsletter is now included in the pages of 4SM.

As always, this edition has a lot of information and many other thoughtful articles.  I invite you to check out my essay on “Decline of Empire?”.  Also, I suggest you study the George Jackson political prisoners coalition statement.  We always invite your feedback and dialogue on all of the words in 4SM.

This will be our final edition for this year.  Beginning in 2014, we will again publish 3 issues a year and #24 will be out in early March.
With the upcoming Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s holidays, let me send positive revolutionary “Red Season’s Greetings” to all of you, your families and close people.

Freedom Is A Constant Struggle!
Jaan Laaman, editor
