Monthly Archives: July 2014
Repressione No Tav – Tre nuovi arresti tra Milano e Lecce per l’attacco al cantiere del 13 maggio 2013
Nell’attesa di sapere in queli carceri siano prigionieri Sala, Lucio e Graziano, iniziamo col diffondere una diretta realizzata in mattinata su Radio Blackout.
Seguiranno aggiornamenti.
Continue reading Repressione No Tav – Tre nuovi arresti tra Milano e Lecce per l’attacco al cantiere del 13 maggio 2013
Repressione No Tav – Comunicati solidali con gli arrestati dell’11 luglio [aggiornato]
Domenica 13 Luglio ai Castelli: Pranzo benefit per Gianluca e Adriano
“ […] La virtualizzazione di un processo, per quanto significativa, è in fondo poca cosa comparata alle nefandezze dell’autorità (in questo caso giudiziaria) ma è comunque indicativa in relazione a quella che è la virtualizzazione della vita, volta a controllare e annichilire, dove vengono meno emozioni, espressività e sensorialità… dove viene meno la bellezza stessa della vita e la libertà di viverla realmente.”
Continue reading Domenica 13 Luglio ai Castelli: Pranzo benefit per Gianluca e Adriano
Update about the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano (Italy)
via fenrir:
On the 4th of July in the court of Roma (Italy) the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano was held. Even though it was supposed to be with closed doors, a group of comrades managed to enter the courtroom in a moment of distraction of the security guards, in the initial bureaucratic phase of the hearing. They shouted strongly their rage against a proceeding which occurs in the complete absence of the accused. After some minutes they were jostled outside of the courtroom by the Carabineros [military police], while the judge pretended not to even notice what was going on.
Continue reading Update about the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano (Italy)
>> Jueves 17 de Julio / Charla: Avance del control social y su relación con los movimientos sociales – Ley de faltas [Junio-Julio, por la tierra y contra el capital].
Letter appeal on behalf of John Bowden, long-term radical social prisoner, about the criminalisation of the Anarchist Black Cross (UK)
via a comrade of Anarchist Black Cross Brighton:
In 2007 my association with the Anarchist Black Cross was considered a compelling enough reason by the prison authorities to prevent my release, despite the subsequent exposure of the lies manufactured by a prison administration regarding the nature and activities of ABC.
Rodolfo Montes de Oca
A mediados del siglo XIX se hablaba en Europa y sus colonias americanas, de las corrientes abolicionistas, estas corrientes eran las ideas filantrópicas y emancipadoras que promulgaban la eliminación total de la esclavitud y del sistema de servidumbre humana.
Cremona, Italy – Leaflet and poster in solidarity with NO TAV prisoners
Translated by act for freedom now
Leaflet reads:
You build yard.
You happy
You destroy our woods
We angry
Someone destroys your machines
You angry
We prefer you angry
We happy
Here follows the text of a poster fly-posted on the walls of
Irreversible sabotage
‘Everything is nothing’
Giacomo Leopardi
The existent flows in the passages of the undone. To blow up certainties in order to live in the open air is an excellent way of breaking useless material and psychic locks. And also fear. But fear is in the spirit of those who can find the path of the crime called freedom.
Continue reading Cremona, Italy – Leaflet and poster in solidarity with NO TAV prisoners