Earth First! News – Fall 2014 Now Available Free Online



Not much is dependable these days. The temperature is rapidly changing, the interwebs are in danger of slowing down, and soon mail may not be delivered on Saturdays. But fear not; four times a year you can depend on the EF!J‘s newsletter, Earth First! News. It’s that time again, and to celebrate the Fall Equinox we’re proud to present the Fall/Mabon 2014 edition—from the front lines of the eco-wars to the printed page.

The Earth First! Newswire is an irreplaceable tool for those who like to stay up-to-date on eco-news, but some folks don’t have the time or the internet access to make that a reality. That’s why the newsletter is so essential—we take the most inspiring stories from the past three months and summarize them for your consumption.

A sad reality of our fight is that many of us have been or will be in prison at some point. The newsletter is a great way for these warriors to stay connected with the fight being carried on because of their sacrifices.

Perhaps the greatest part of the newsletter is the price—completely, utterly and absolutely free! So, click on the link, print out a copy to read during your free time, or print a few dozen copies and staple them to bulletin boards, church walls, and the foreheads of CEOs.

This issue features the usual eco-war updates, prisoner pages, Dear Ned Ludd, and a feature on the intense battle raging in the Mattole forest. What are you waiting for? Download the pdf or read the newsletter online.

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