After Prison Zine


Welcome to the ‘After Prison’ zine project. Through sharing stories of life after prison from former earth & animal liberation prisoners we hope that activist communities will develop a more thorough understanding of what former prisoners face on the outside. This project is also for those former prisoners still facing restrictions on whoresilienceweb they can interact with, so they can read of others’ experiences. All interviews and writings can be read on this website, or downloaded in zine format. Please share & distribute!

All former and current prisoners can request a free hard copy of this zine. Please get in touch if you, or a prisoner you are supporting, would like a copy.

This is an ongoing project. We would love to hear from other former prisoners who would like to contribute to this project. New editions of the zine will be produced with any new contributions.


This zine is free to reproduce. Please print (on recycled paper) & share. Please do not alter the zine, or reproduce sections, without getting in touch first

–Download: After Prison Zine (5.3mb .pdf format)