Documentário que relata muitas guerras a nível global entre as Populações e as Corporações e Governos.
Pessoas que lutam para se defenderem, defender suas familias, sua dignidade e Liberdade.
Continue reading ( S.P – São Paulo – Bra ) Projeto Okupação Cultural .Mostra de Video
Monthly Archives: November 2014
Feds Potentially Double Kevin Olliff’s and Tyler Lang’s Maximum Sentence to 20 Years
Government increases damage estimates, quietly doubling Tyler Lang & Kevin Olliff’s maximum sentence to 20 years.
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Nova Okupa Surge em Sp e com ela a Rotineira Represão Policial. ( São paulo – S.P . Bra )
Continue reading Nova Okupa Surge em Sp e com ela a Rotineira Represão Policial. ( São paulo – S.P . Bra )
ven 14 nov: richieste dei p.m per il processo “compressore” colpevoli di resistere
ven 14 nov: richieste dei p.m per il processo “compressore” colpevoli di resistere
Continue reading ven 14 nov: richieste dei p.m per il processo “compressore” colpevoli di resistere
In Guatemala, Indigenous Communities Prevail Against Monsanto
Late in the afternoon of September 4, after nearly 10 days of protests by a coalition of labor, indigenous rights groups and farmers, the indigenous peoples and campesinos of Guatemala won are rare victory. Under the pressure of massive mobilizations, the Guatemala legislature repealed Decree 19-2014, commonly referred to as the “Monsanto Law,” which would have given the transnational chemical and seed producer a foot hold into the country’s seed market.
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Paris: fête non-mixte en soutien à un squat féministe expulsé le 30 septembre dernier
Expulsion illégale d’un lieu féministe à Paris : solidarité contre la répression !
Continue reading Paris: fête non-mixte en soutien à un squat féministe expulsé le 30 septembre dernier
Feria del libro y difusión anarquista.6 ,7 de Diciembre. (Buenos Aires)
Estamos organizando otra Feria del Libro y Difusión Anarquista de Buenos Aires para el 6 y 7 de Diciembre.
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La storia di Angelo Sbardellotto, giovane anarchico fucilato dai Fascisti per aver tentato di assassinare il Duce, che rinunciò all’impresa per non coinvolgere degli innocenti.
Continue reading L’ANARCHICO DI MEL
México / Si no arde el Estado ¿Quién iluminará la oscuridad?
La violencia también es autodefensa.
Ante lo crímenes cometidos por el Estado lo más consecuente es responder.
En la guerra de lo simbólico, quemar objetos es apenas una mínima señal de hartazgo.
Continue reading México / Si no arde el Estado ¿Quién iluminará la oscuridad?
Rent Rebels, events around housing struggles in the capitalist city (Amsterdam)
Dear people, this November Joe’s Garage * organizes a small series of events around housing struggles in the capitalist city.
Continue reading Rent Rebels, events around housing struggles in the capitalist city (Amsterdam)