Ρέθυμνο : Κάλεσμα σε πορείες αλληλεγγύης στον Ν. Ρωμανό – Τετάρτη 10/12, 18:00 και Πέμπτη 11/12, 18:00


Κάλεσμα προς όλα τα κινηματικά κομμάτια της πόλης
Continue reading Ρέθυμνο : Κάλεσμα σε πορείες αλληλεγγύης στον Ν. Ρωμανό – Τετάρτη 10/12, 18:00 και Πέμπτη 11/12, 18:00

Presentación de blog en memoria del compañero Sebastián Oversluij e invitación a aportar en nuevo proyecto (es/gr)


A un año de que el compañero anárquico Sebastián “Angry” Oversluij muriera asesinado por las balas de un guardia privado en medio de una expropiación bancaria, parte de nuestra memoria desea construirse en afinidad con otrxs compañerxs, para lo cual hemos dado vida al blog “Nunca de rodillas!”.
Continue reading Presentación de blog en memoria del compañero Sebastián Oversluij e invitación a aportar en nuevo proyecto (es/gr)

Processo Geovalsusa, secondo il pm i No Tav fanno spionaggio!


Stamattina si è svolta l’ennesima udienza del processo che vede coinvolti circa una ventina di No Tav per i fatti accaduti il 24 agosto 2012.

Dopo l’udienza del 28 novembre in cui il pm Pedrotta ha chiaramente intimidito i testi della difesa, tra cui il giornalista marchigiano Davide Falcioni, quest’oggi la maxi aula 3 del Tribunale di Torino ha visto riproporre gli stessi atteggiamenti nei confronti degli imputati che hanno deciso di sottoporsi all’esame delle parti.

Non contrastata dai giudici che ne hanno ben tollerato i modi, per diverse ore la pm ha impedito agli imputati di descrivere con tranquillità le dinamiche dell’iniziativa informativa presso la Geolvasusa.
Continue reading Processo Geovalsusa, secondo il pm i No Tav fanno spionaggio!

Prisoners of Power – Laudelino Iglesias Martinez


Prisoners of power

I believe that all prisoners of the world are produced by power and are hostages of power.
Strength, authority, brutality, assassinations, genocide, oppression, slavery, exploitation, destruction, torture, mistreatment,
the sadistic delight in pain, racism, violation, money, corruption and abuse are examples of what is power. The same power that’s
disguised as the absolute truth, as religion, as democracy, as other authoritarian systems, which continue their existence and
the government of our lives.
Power is an enemy of solidarity and freedom, that is why it is our enemy. An enemy that we need to fight until it has disappeared,
because it keeps us all like prisoners and it is destroying humanity as well as our planet.
Prisons are the power’s camps of concentration, exploitation and extermination. They are power’s most cruel spaces, were
torture, mistreatments and assassinations are their basic principles.
Prisons are the worst environment for the fight against power. The main fight of prisoners is the fight for the respect of human
dignity. In prison, they destroy you as a person and they even get away from you any lust for living.
Fighting inside prison is very difficult, but I believe that it is important to fight in those spaces. Fighting inside prison gives you
strengh to continue living, or at least to die fighting power and defending solidarity and freedom.
That is why I am against prisons, because I am against power.
A revolutionary hug

Laudelino Iglesias Martinez

Ex-prisoner of the F.I.E.S isolation units in Spain