Lecce | No TAP – Irruzione in ufficio di rappresentanza della Trans Adriatic Pipeline

128352658099689534_J5Y08SZQ_cApprendiamo dai media locali che, nella mattina di mercoledì 3 dicembre, mentre a Roma era in programma la conferenza dei servizi sull’accordo per l’autorizzazione unica al gasdotto, due nemici delle nocività hanno fatto irruzione nell’ufficio di rappresentanza leccese della Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP). I due, a volto coperto, hanno lanciato volantini e gridato slogan contro il mega-progetto; quindi si sono allontanati.
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Aventuras y desventuras de la Fiscalía Metropolitana Sur en su lucha contra el terrorismo. (Cualquier parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia)









Existe un lugar en nuestra patria, un lugar donde yacen los más puros ideales de la justicia, un reservorio moral de los altos valores republicanos y del estado de derecha. ¡Gracias al cielo que existe la fiscalía metropolitana sur! En este lugar, abnegados funcionarios públicos laboran por casi nada, embarcados en la más peligrosa tarea que les ha sido asignada: la lucha contra el terrorismo. Para ello trabajan en su sede de Gran Avenida y en un bunker secreto construido por las autoridades de turno.
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İstanbul: ELF/Insurrectionary Solidarity Faction sabotaged a road roller for Nikos Romanos

On the night of December 1st, 2014, we broke the windows of a road roller and cut its cables in the Kocasinan district of Istanbul, with the intention of showing our solidarity to anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos, who is on hunger strike for 26 days, and then to Yannis Michailidis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Dimitris Politis, who have started a hunger strike in support to Nikos Romanos in Greek prisons. Then we spray-painted some slogans on a wall close to the target: “Nikos Romanos” and “Fire to the prison cells”.
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Turi Vaccaro entra e danneggia l’antenna Muos e rifiuta gli arresti domiciliari


Turi libero subito!

da tg vallesusaTratto in arresto per aver violato le recinzioni della base Muos, nel tentativo di piantare semi nel terreno della base americana, Turi Vaccaro ha rifiutato gli arresti domiciliari, ed è stato trasferito nel carcere di Gela.
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Piraeus: Open letter of hospitalized comrade Yannis Michailidis, on hunger strike since November 17th


I write these lines to express how much I was touched by the widespread and polymorphous solidarity activity of comrades outside the prison walls.

Not only because its extent, imaginativeness, organizing-coordinating, tenacity and aggressiveness so far have surpassed all my expectations, knowing that significant state and capitalist buildings, and radio and television stations have been occupied, organized gatherings and demonstrations have taken place in almost all major cities of the territory, and attacks on the forces of repression as well as all kinds of insurgency attacks have occurred. But also because this is what breaks the solitude of my cell and makes me smile, because I was not imprisoned on Tuesday night, I was among you and felt the warmth of flaming barricades.
Continue reading Piraeus: Open letter of hospitalized comrade Yannis Michailidis, on hunger strike since November 17th

Spain – Distance keeps us apart, feelings unite us – A letter from anarchist comrade Monica Caballero, prison of Brieva, November 2014


  The coming days will be full of intense emotion: the anniversary of Sebastian’s irreparable loss in December and already in November a year has passed since I was jailed.
 I remember when I heard about Sebastian’s death, it was like a bucket of cold water (bad company in the cold nights of Madrid). The loss of a comrade is always a something horrible but now I am able to remember it and feel proud of having had such a dignified comrade.

Continue reading Spain – Distance keeps us apart, feelings unite us – A letter from anarchist comrade Monica Caballero, prison of Brieva, November 2014