Καμμία αθώωση – αναστολή για τους βασανιστές της Σαλαμίνας




Το τελευταίο διάστημα δίνονται ανησυχητικά μηνύματα από την «ανεξάρτητη» δικαστική εξουσία. Ανάμεσα στους πανηγυρισμούς για την «πρώτη φορά αριστερά» και τις έναρξη της δίκης της Χρυσής Αυγής, το δικαστικό σώμα δίνει το δικό τόνο για την αντιμετώπιση των συρφετού του αστικού μπλοκ.
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La ley Monsanto in Argentina

“La ley Monsanto.” Es una de las formas en la que movimientos campesinos, pueblos indígenas y organizaciones sociales bautizaron al proyecto de ley de semillas que prepara el Ministerio de Agricultura. Según afirman las organizaciones, la medida, que sería tratada antes de fin de año en el Congreso, no dio participación a campesinos y pequeños productores, limita el “uso propio” (posibilidad de utilizar las semillas de la cosecha) y favorece a las corporaciones del agro. “El proyecto de ley pone en riesgo la soberanía alimentaria de nuestro país a través de la concesión de nuevos privilegios para las empresas transnacionales e implica la pérdida de los derechos de nuestro pueblo”, denuncia una declaración conjunta del Movimiento Agroecológico de Latinoamérica (Maela) y de la Red de Acción en Plaguicidas de América Latina (Rapal).
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Athens-Thessaloikni, Greece – DOES WORK LIBERATE? Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis (2012)



Work penetrates and determines our whole existence. Time flows merciless at her rhythm as we commute through identical depressive surroundings at an ever increasing pace. Working time…productive time…free time…Every single one of our activities falls within her context: acquiring knowledge is considered an investment for a future career, joy is transformed into entertainment and delves into an orgy of consumption, our creativity is crushed within the narrow limits of productivity, our relationships -even our erotic encounters- speak the language of performance and usability… Our perversion has reached such a point that we search for any form of work, even voluntary, in order to fill our existential void, in order to “do something”.
Continue reading Athens-Thessaloikni, Greece – DOES WORK LIBERATE? Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis (2012)

Αθήνα : Παρασκευή 29/05, 18:00 – Συγκέντρωση/πορεία αλληλεγγύης στους μετανάστες και ενάντια στην Ευρώπη-Φρούριο


Η 1η ΠΡΑΞΗ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΥ διεξάγεται στους τόπους προέλευσής τους

εκεί όπου τα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη (συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του ελληνικού) και οι καπιταλιστικές-στρατιωτικές συμμαχίες (τύπου ΝΑΤΟ) εξαπολύουν πολέμους, χρηματοδοτούν και οπλίζουν δικτατορικά καθεστώτα, προωθούν την οικονομική αφαίμαξη, την περιβαλλοντική καταστροφή, την πλήρη εξαθλίωση και προσφυγιά ολόκληρων πληθυσμών προς όφελος ντόπιων και υπερεθνικών αφεντικών
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Corda Tesa (2012)


While in Val Susa the battle between the volunteers rushing to defend the Free Republic of the Maddalena was raging against the Praetorians sent to enforce the Republic of Slave Italy, a blaze in the night in Rome destroyed the new control room of Tiburtina station (a node of the Tav), blocking the national rail traffic. The suspicion that there may be a link between the protests in the valley and the metropolitan fire was immediate, as was immediate the outrage and denial of “NoTav People” through its public representatives; institutional assurances on probable natural causes were late in coming and not very convincing: it is a short circuit, less likely to be sabotage, or perhaps the side effect of a simple theft of copper.
Continue reading Corda Tesa (2012)



SOLIDRITY TO OLGA ECONOMIDOU by CCF & Theofilos Mavropoulos..
“Turn off the main switch in this dump. Here the beautiful becomes ugly, the choice becomes a habit and the meaningless important. Prison dirties creases and swallows pieces of dreams, desires, thoughts and feelings. Its most permanent residents, the majority of the prisoners are now a part of the appliances of the prisons. Bars, yard, cameras,locks, prisoners mix all together and re-enact the world of captivity. Nothing is worthy of captivity. Nothing is worthy in here. Come let’s go and don’t look back….Only fire will cleanse this place…..”

Basel, Switzerland: Demonstration against Frontex and attack on prosecutor’s office/pretrial prison


On May 22nd, about 200-250 people took to the streets in Basel in a demonstration against Frontex and the European migration-regime on the occasion of the international action days against the 10 year anniversary of Frontex.
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Santiago: Barricadas a las afueras del Liceo Dario Salas



Hoy lunes 25/5 se registraron barricadas y enfrentamientos a las afueras del Liceo Darío Salas entre jóvenes y la bastarda policía a eso de las 10:00hrs. En lugar se colocó un lienzo en memoria del compañero anarquista Mauricio Morales, caído en acción el 22 de mayo del año 2009 cuando intentaba atacar la escuela de gendarmería.

¡Punky Mauri la ofensiva no te olvida!

Santiago: Barricades outside the Liceo Darío Salas

On Monday, May 25th, at about 10am, there were barricades and clashes between youths and bastards of the police outside the Liceo Darío Salas, where a banner was placed in memory of anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales, fallen in action on May 22nd 2009 while he intended to attack the prison guards school.

Punky Mauri, the offensive does not forget you!