Ramon Gonzalez Sanmarti “El nano”, la vida en la lucha…

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El 26 de mayo – otras fuentes citan el 25 de junio – de 1920 nace en Granollers (Vallès Oriental, Catalunya) el anarcosindicalista, anarquista y resistente antifranquista Ramón González Sanmartí – el segundo apellido citado a veces com Sanmartín -, también conocido como El Nano de Granollers o Salvador Soler Santamaría.
En 1933, cuando todavía era un aprendiz, se afilió a la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT). En estos años trabajó en la fábrica de tejidos de algodón de Roca Umbert de Granollers. Durante los hechos revolucionarios de octubre de 1934 fue detenido y encerrado unos meses. Una vez libre en 1935, entró a formar parte del primer Comité de Granollers de las Juventudes Libertarias y en mayo de 1936 representó la comarcal del Vallès Oriental de éstas en el Pleno Regional de Badalona.
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Interview with the World’s First Army of Women: YJA-STAR


Question: What is the story behind YJA-STAR and Kurdish women’s self-defence battalions?

Though the name YJA-Star was adopted in 2004, the process towards the militarization of women had begun much earlier. The deep contradiction within the sociological reality of Kurdistan and the strong participation of female comrades in the revolution has caused the issue of women’s liberation to incrementally become a pressing matter that is just as important as the national issue. Entrenching the militarizing qualities and the authenticity of the women’s organization as well as ensuring it’s emergence upon genuine demands had been of great importance. “When the revolution succeeds, women will also be emancipated”; at no point such a phrase was invoked. Concerning the woman issue, it has been quite clear that emancipation would only be achieved through the very own ideas, organizations and actions of the women themselves. Concerning this issue, since the self-revelation of women’s self-power is of capital importance, the militarization of women was constituted as a necessity.
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Denmark: On the recent repression in Copenhagen


Insurrection News received on 17.08.15:

At 5.30 am Thursday August 13, the anti-authoritarian collective BumZen was raided by a gang of masked cops from the police anti-criminal gang unit. They were followed by an army of armed cops, who handcuffed everyone present in the building at the time. The pretext given was that they were looking for participants in a riotous Reclaim The Streets demo the previous weekend. However, it is clear to us that this was a politically motivated operation against the infrastructure of the radical movement.
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