A visit to L’anarchie by Alain Sergent


É. Armand assumed the editorship of L’Anarchie from April 4th, 1912 to September of the same year.

These dates are inscribed in his own handwriting on a questionnaire which he had filled out at the request of Alain Sergent (Andre Mahe) at the time when Sergent was gathering documentation to write his “Historie de ‘Anarchie”, of which one volume has so far appeared.
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Tartışma: Post-kolonyal bağlamda dayanışma faaliyetleri ve medya politikaları / Discussion: Solidarity work and media politics in post-colonial context

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Dayanışma anarşist veya solcu jargondaki en popüler kelimelerden birisidir. Batı metropollerindeki solcu mekanlarda “dayanışma” kelimesi geçmeyen bir parti neredeyse hiç göremezsiniz veya “dayanışma” afişi olmayan hiçbir duvara raslamazsınız.
Continue reading Tartışma: Post-kolonyal bağlamda dayanışma faaliyetleri ve medya politikaları / Discussion: Solidarity work and media politics in post-colonial context

Introduction to Max Stirner, Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum by John Henry Mackay


At the beginning of the 1840s, in a wine bar in northern Friedrichstrasse in Berlin — it was opposite the present Zentralhotel and its proprietor was named Hippel — there gathered every evening a circle of men who called themselves “The Free”, or at least they were so-called by the public. It was named “The Free” because its members belonged to the extreme left in the intellectual and political movement of those days.
Continue reading Introduction to Max Stirner, Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum by John Henry Mackay



Tandis que Syriza continue d’exercer le pouvoir dans une coalition avec un parti de la droite dure (ANEL) malgré des attaques anarchistes répétées, comme à l’occasion du mouvement massif des prisonniers révolutionnaires contre les prisons de Type C, les prisonniers anarchistes continuent de foutre le bordel et de se révolter, avec un appui massif dans les rues de toute la Grèce. Nikos est aujourd’hui l’un des emblèmes de cette période complexe et agitée, et d’une partie du mouvement anarchiste qui se refuse à reculer face au bulldozer Syriza ou à céder aux sirènes du populisme.

Apparently some people really don’t like the idea of football without any racism, sexism or homophobia.

Thamesmead FC 3.JPG-pwrt3

5th August 2015

Last night our club Clapton FC were playing our last pre season friendly away against Thamesmead in South East London. In the last few days, we received threatening messages from a fascist group regarding this fixture. This information was passed on to the football club and its fans who decided to travel as one group to the game as fan safety is the number one priority.
Continue reading Apparently some people really don’t like the idea of football without any racism, sexism or homophobia.