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Solidarity with anti-nucleur activists in Hanhikivi: 21st September 2015
Continue reading Solidarity with anti-nucleur activists in Hanhikivi: 21st September 2015
COLEMERG – Members of a special police team attacked Dayika Uveyş Elementary School (Dibistana Seretayî a Dayika Uveyş), which was opened to give education in Kurdish children’s native language.
KURDÎ-DER opened the Dayika Uveyş Elementary School last year to give education in Kurdish. Dozens of armored cars assaulted the school towards morning.
Police blockaded Apê Musa Culture Park, where the school is located, and destroyed structures in the park. They broke all the windows in the school, and then broke the door down with a battering ram. Members of the special team rifled through the school property, shot the whiteboard in the school and then left.
Observar el problema que actualmente se vive en la frontera, solo desde una perspectiva de la lucha contra el contrabando de gasolina y de alimentos, es por demás pecar de ingenuos frente a una realidad que va mucho más allá y que tiene sus motivaciones en intereses mucho más ambiciosos y perversos, que sobrepasa nuestras fronteras y que forman parte del reacomodo de planes hegemónicos que ya están en plena ejecución.
Continue reading ¿Qué hay detrás del conflicto fronterizo con Colombia?