Greece: The “plea” of anarcho-nihilist Spyros Mandylas for Phoenix Project (en/es)


Note from Insurrection News: Phoenix Project was initiated in Athens, Greece on the 7th of June 2013 when a car owned by the director of Korydallos prison, Maria Stefi, was blown up by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire FAI-IRF and the Gangs of Conscience FAI-IRF, ‘Sole-Baleno’ cell who then released a communique announcing the project. It’s stated aim was “the rebirth and the dynamic comeback of the urban guerrilla,” a project that would create the terms of the rise of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from the ashes left behind by police oppression. Phoenix Project then spread with attacks occurring again in Greece and further afield in Indonesia, Russia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Italy, Chile and Germany. Phoenix Project is still ongoing, with the most recent action occurring on 10.01.16. in Chile with an explosive attack against a private security company in Santiago that was claimed by Anarchist Arson Attack Cell ‘Fire And Consciousness’ FAI-IRF. For more information about Phoenix Project, the website 325 has a chronological archive of posts that includes videos, communiques and downloadable booklets related to the project that can be accessed here. It has been such a lengthy initiative that it would be very difficult to summarize it in just a couple of paragraphs here! 
Continue reading Greece: The “plea” of anarcho-nihilist Spyros Mandylas for Phoenix Project (en/es)

Un pezzo dopo l’altro


Il Cie di Torino torna a bruciare, anche se a essere interessata dall’incendio è solamente l’area bianca. Domenica notte infatti i reclusi lì rinchiusi hanno dato fuoco a tre delle cinque stanze che compongono l’area, lasciandola mezza bruciacchiata. I motivi della protesta sono da ricercare ancora una volta nell’insofferenza alla reclusione e nelle condizioni di vita nel Centro misere e degradanti.
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Athens: Responsibility claim for two incendiary actions


An incendiary contribution by FAI to the proposal for an informal anarchist platform

“One day, all will have to be risked at once, Western style, Main Street shootout style: them or us.
Faced with this solitude, one’s own city creates its sympathies, tepid dams made of toothpicks that occasionally resist the spate of the flood.”
(Paco Taibo)

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Condena contra compa menor de edad por Lucha Callejera


El 14 de Julio del 2015 es detenido un compañero menor de edad a las afueras del Ex Pedagogico tras enfrentamientos con la policía. El compa, estudiante del Liceo Manuel Barros Borgoño es formalizaod por porte de bomba incendiaria y tras permanecer algunos días en una cárcel de menores (SENAME) posteriormente consigue acceder a arresto domiciliario.
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Atentado incendiario a bus por las ITS –Chile.

Somos las flechas con “curare” de los antiguos contra sus presas y enemigos. Somos el fuego de la hoguera que calienta cuando hay frio. Somos las danzas y gritos paganos en nombre de todo lo desconocido. Somos la nieve en la punta de la cordillera. Somos la tierra virgen, libre de civilización. Somos la lava del volcán que chorrea. Somos los cantos de alerta de los pájaros. Somos el sigilo del lobo frente a su presa. Somos la fuerza de las hormigas.  Somos la ola que arrasa ciudades enteras. Somos el terremoto que tumba edificios y mata. Somos el viento convertido en huracán. ¡SOMOS NATURALEZA SALVAJE DESCONOCIDA!

Trentino – Chiudono le frontiere? Blocchiamo tutto!


Martedì 16 febbraio, a Trento, un gruppo di compagni ha bloccato l’OBB Monaco-Verona delle 18,04. Lo striscione esposto sui binari diceva: “Chiudono le frontiere? Blocchiamo tutto!“. La scritta “OBB complice delle deportazioni” è stata tracciata sulla locomotrice del treno. Interventi al megafono, fumogeni e volantinaggio hanno bloccato il treno per circa un quarto d’ora.
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Escrito de lxs compas, Manuel Espinosa, Enrique Guzman y FelipeRoman


…Abajo las Jaulas de la Sociedad Civilizada!
No podemos esperar nada menos de ellxs .
La solidaridad es la mas fuerte herramienta con la que nos armamos,  cuando sentimos que cualquier ataque a un compañerx, conociendolo o no, es un golpe a un hermanx y no podemos no actuar.

Continue reading Escrito de lxs compas, Manuel Espinosa, Enrique Guzman y FelipeRoman