Antifa Aktionswoche 15. – 20. Februar


Antifa Youth Action Week | Potsdam | 15. – 20.02.2016

Wie es aussieht, werden wir Christian Müller, seine Schlange und den wöchentlichen Trott von renitenten Vollpfosten nicht so schnell los. Und selbst wenn, wird die Welt um uns herum beileibe nicht besser – erst recht nicht ohne unser Zutun. Deswegen wird es allerhöchste Zeit für die antifa youth actionweek vom 15. – 20.Februar 2016 in Potsdam! Kommt vorbei, informiert euch und werdet aktiv! Solidarisch statt solide arisch durch 2016…
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Strength to comrade Panagiotis Aspiotis from Network of Combative Prisoners (DAK) – Greece


On February 6th, anarchist comrade Panagiotis Aspiotis is transferred
from Navplio prisons allegedly to Koridallos prisons. In reality they
transferred him to the isolation section of the metagogon (transfer
detention cells bulding). A bit later it became known that the comrade,
while having his arms tied up behind his back, got attacked by the
cowardly hooded thugs of the anti-terrorist force who seriously injured
him during but also after the reason for their visit which was no more
than to extract a DNA sample. Later the comrade was transferred to the
hospital for exams.

Continue reading Strength to comrade Panagiotis Aspiotis from Network of Combative Prisoners (DAK) – Greece

Grecia. Cresce la solidarietà attorno agli antifascisti di Kavala


Dal 2011 il Movimento Patriottico di Kavala (Πατριωτικη κίνηση) organizza ogni anno un raduno nazionale, alla quale prendono parte altri fascisti e ultraconservatori da Larissa, Drama, Thessaloniki, Komotini e Alessandropoli. Questa chiamata, che prende a simbolo del revanscimo ellenico lo scontro diplomatico del gennaio 1996 con il governo turco per i confini relativi allo scoglio di Imia, è la seconda in Grecia dopo quella di Alba Dorata. In entrambe le manifestazioni si possono sentire marce militari, vedere i partecipanti inquadrati in formazione militari facendo saluti nazisti, mentre viene dato fuoco alle bandiere antifasciste.
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[Sainte-Colombe-en-Builhois, 47] Blocage et sabotage de deux machines sur le chantier ‘Vinci’ du technopôle Agen-Garonne – 8 février 2016

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Deux pelles mécaniques ont subi les assauts des opposants au projet de Technopôle ce lundi, lors de la pause déjeuner

Les huit ouvriers, employés par l’entreprise Vinci en charge des travaux d’assainissement aux abord du futur Technopôle Agen-Garonne, avaient été contraints de stopper les travaux ce lundi peu avant 8 heures.
Continue reading [Sainte-Colombe-en-Builhois, 47] Blocage et sabotage de deux machines sur le chantier ‘Vinci’ du technopôle Agen-Garonne – 8 février 2016

Sui benefit per prigionieri/e: solidali con alcun*, oppressori con altr*


Abbiamo ricevuto il comunicato sotto riportato e dopo qualche giorno preso per decidere cosa scrivere nell’introduzione, ci siamo accorti che avremmo ripetuto in gran parte dei passaggi già presenti, quindi lo pubblichiamo come spunto per una riflessione per noi fondamentale per sconfiggere tutti gli sfruttamenti.
Il cambiamento è possibile per tutt*!!
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Turkey: Arson attack against AKP party building By TiKKO militants in Istanbul

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TiKKO, the armed wing of the TKP / ML (Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist Leninist) continue their fight against the fascist state of Erdogan and the AKP. Having already conducted numerous actions in protest against the massacres suffered by the Kurdish people, TiKKO have clashed with police in Istanbul for several days in response to the killing of 60 people by Turkish state police in Cizre and have now set fire to an AKP building in Istanbul.
Continue reading Turkey: Arson attack against AKP party building By TiKKO militants in Istanbul

[No TAV, Génova] Dos excavadoras saboteadas en el Terzo Valico [tercer cruce] en el emplazamiento de la obra


Extraído y traducido de Act For Freedom Now!

Recibimos un correo electrónico anónimo y difundimos:

GÉNOVA: 2 excavadoras para la construcción del tercer paso han sido <span old_photos_pg24

Extraído y traducido de Act For Freedom Now!

Recibimos un correo electrónico anónimo y difundimos:

GÉNOVA: 2 excavadoras para la construcción del tercer paso han sido saboteadas, a una se le prendió fuego y el motor de la otra fué obstruido con arena. Que el sabotaje continue siendo la práctica diaria de cada amante sincero de la Tierra, todo lo demás es aburrido.

Yhose who don’t pay the COCIV* but make them pay for it.

*(Consorzio Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), un consorcio creado en 1991, subcontratista general del TAV SpA para el diseño y la construcción de la línea ferroviaria de alta velocidad Tortona / Novi Ligure Genova.]
Continue reading [No TAV, Génova] Dos excavadoras saboteadas en el Terzo Valico [tercer cruce] en el emplazamiento de la obra