Et hop !! On fete les 5 ans de l’asso Keponteam !!
Cette année on voit les choses en grand et on fait cela sur deux jours !!
1er rendez vous le vendredi 25 mars 2016 à 21h au 3 Pieces en centre ville de Rouen ! (èces-MuzikClub-171327386309903/) :
Continue reading Fiesta Keponteam Rouen 25 et 26 mars 2016
Monthly Archives: February 2016
febbraio 2016 @ la Scintilla squat (Modena)
[Italia] Congegno incendiario linea ferroviaria Torino-Milano
Nella notte tra il 19 e il 20 novembre abbiamo piazzato un congegno incendiario nella canalina a lato dei binari sulla linea ferroviaria Torino-Milano
Avanti con i sabotaggi ai tentacoli del sistema!
Morte al capitale
Morte allo stato
(Fonte: Lettera arrivata alla casella di posta di CNA)
Attaque de l’hôtel Albion, habitantEs 1- flics 1.
oulouse, par un bel après-midi ensoleilé, pleins de trucs à penser, mais v’la que mon téléphone ne cesse de sonner. Alerte à l’hôtel occupé (cet hôtel est squatté depuis bientôt deux mois, dans le centre de toulouse).
Continue reading Attaque de l’hôtel Albion, habitantEs 1- flics 1.
Financial office of the Greek Church redecorated
People going by the name the ‘Sword of Damokles’ redecorated the financial management office of the Greek Church in Thessaloniki today. The symbolic action, carried out with paint and a fire extinguisher, gave the priests’ walls a thick covering of red paint. The statement published after the action gave several reasons for targeting the church which throughout its history has often been one of the pillars of reaction in Greece.
Going all the way back to the founding of the Greek State in the 1820s the hierarchy of the Greek Church was somewhat hostile to the revolution against the Ottoman Empire, contrary to later myth making, as it feared losing its privileged position under the Sultans.
Continue reading Financial office of the Greek Church redecorated
L’envolée (2001/2002/2003)
les numéros en ligne
- Numéro 1 [juin 2001]
- Numéro 2 [septembre 2001]
- Numéro 3 [oct.Nov.2001]
- Numéro 4 [janvier 2002]
- Numéro 5 [avril 2002]
- Numéro 6 [juillet 2002]
- Numéro 7 [octobre 2002]
- Numéro 8 [janvier 2003]
- appel des mutins de
Site du journal éponyme consacré aux prisons et aux soutien des détenus.
Civitavecchia – FAI / FRI communique for attack on the court
We receive anonymously and spread:
My heart abhors and defies
The powerful of the earth,
my arm makes war on the cowardly oppressor
(Rebel Love – Pietro Gori)
We are living in a state of permanent global war, the perpetual war between oppressors, we know it and we know the main and secondary characters of dominion. Above all the oppressed know it, those who suffer arbitrary power over their lives.
Right now we are witnessing the passage of tanks and military in the streets of the rich and opulent West, the increase in controls and garrisons in defence of the order of commerce and consumption, the militarization of the territory.
Changes that strike even the most dormant minds, but which the strategy of global control will try to make us digest.
Continue reading Civitavecchia – FAI / FRI communique for attack on the court
Interview With Kurdish Women’s Group YPS-JIN
30 January 2016
Formed during the self-rule declarations in North Kurdistan (E/SE Turkey), the armed Civilan Protection Units – Women (YPS-Jin) are growing their organisation day by day with the slogan “we want an equal society” says YPS member Leyla Botan.” We spoke to her about the struggle of Kurdish women behind the barricades in Mardin’s Nusaybin district.
Continue reading Interview With Kurdish Women’s Group YPS-JIN
Udienza di appello per Lucio, Francesco e Graziano
Ungdomshuset open the gates for two days of filthy Crust, HxC and Metal!
Continue reading FROSTBITE FEST (Copenhagen)