26 marzo. la Casa II.
Monthly Archives: March 2016
[20 Marzo 2016] Comedor popular vegano (Zaragoza)
Y este domingo 20 de Marzo a las 15:00 horas en el CSO Kike Mur no te pierdas el Comedor popular Vegano.
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NoMuos. Stupido, di un Turi Vaccaro sei finito ancora una volta in carcere…
Mentre “la Cassazione ha dichiarato il MUOS pericoloso per la salute”, hanno arrestato nuovamente TURI VACCARO 62enne pacifista catanese, al termine di una protesta “No Muos” svoltasi davanti alla base americana. E’ accusato di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale e danneggiamento di un’automobile del commissariato di Gela, perché si era sdraiato sul sedile posteriore dell’auto della polizia e con i piedi aveva sfondato il finestrino dello sportello
Continue reading NoMuos. Stupido, di un Turi Vaccaro sei finito ancora una volta in carcere…
Spain – The third day of the trial against Anarchists comrades Mónica and Francisco (en/es)
Second day March 9 of the trial against Anarchist comrades Mónica and Francisco
March 8 – Summary of the first session of the trial against the comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar
Today, Thursday, March 10, the third and final hearing in the trial of our comrades Mónica and Francisco took place. There was mainly the summing up of the lawyers for both the defence and the prosecution, and that of the Public Prosecutor.
The hearing began with the expert witnesses called by the defence, who submitted reports on the comparative study of DNA from a number of objects found after the explosion, and DNA of Francisco and Mónica extracted from objects taken from their cells. They confirmed what had already been exposed in the reports: there is absolutely no correspondence.
Brazil: Arson attack against a Santander bank branch in Porto Alegre
On the night of March 9, we placed an incendiary device at the Santander bank branch on Ramiro Barcelos street. Our incentive to conspire and then carry out the attack was solidarity and complicity with anarchists behind bars who endure days and days of incarceration but still hold their heads high, proud of their ideas and convictions.
Continue reading Brazil: Arson attack against a Santander bank branch in Porto Alegre
Montreuil, Paris: Attack against an architect of domination dedicated to Mónica and Francisco (en/it/fr)
In the night of 8th-9th March 2016, with garbage skips and flammable products we set fire to the front of the architects’ office of Archi 5, rue Voltaire, in the town centre of Montreuil-sous-Bois [Paris outskirts].
Archi 5 boasts on its website of having achieved, or trying to achieve, alongside insignificant constructions, the following list of macabre projects:
Continue reading Montreuil, Paris: Attack against an architect of domination dedicated to Mónica and Francisco (en/it/fr)
Chile: Afiche a la memoria del joven combatiente Javier Recabarren en el marco del llamado agitativo del 11 al 18 de Marzo
Two women die in police operation in Batman
Two women died during a police operation in Sağlık neighborhood of Batman province last night.
two women died during a police operation in Sağlık neighborhood of Batman province last night.
Out of the two unidentified women, one was killed by police and the other reportedly shot herself dead in Komando Street. Both died at the scene.
A number of police teams and armored vehicles were dispatched to the scene which police closed to traffic after the incident. Bodies of slain women remained on the street.
It is reported that one of these women killed herself to not surrender to police.
Chile: Attack on the former head of the dictatorship’s intelligence police by anarchist prisoner Joaquin Garcia
Comrade Joaquin Garcia, who was arrested on November 2015 accused of bomb attacks, some days ago has attacked the former boss of the dictatorship’s intelligence police, a bastard who is condemned for ‘human rights violations’ in the same prison that the comrade is in.
Continue reading Chile: Attack on the former head of the dictatorship’s intelligence police by anarchist prisoner Joaquin Garcia
Marzo 2003 – Marzo 2016, chi lotta non muore mai. Le iniziative per Dax
Marzo 2003 – Marzo 2016: Chi lotta non muore mai
Dedichiamo questo tredicesimo anniversario a Renato Biagetti, ucciso Il 27 agosto del 2006 a Focene. Erano passati poco più di tre anni dall’omicidio fascista di Dax e dagli scontri all’ospedale San Paolo, l’O.r.so. non era ancora stato sgomberato. La notizia che la mano assassina dei fascisti aveva colpito ancora, ci arriva come uno schiaffo. Un altro ragazzo ucciso, un’altra famiglia in lutto, altri fratelli e sorelle travolti dal dolore.
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