Concerto della madonna con niente popò di meno che:
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Monthly Archives: March 2016
19/03 Concierto por la autogestión de espacios anarquistas
19/03, a partir de las 19h
E.S.L.A. E.K.O. C/ ánade, 10. Oporto
Continue reading 19/03 Concierto por la autogestión de espacios anarquistas
Dissident Island interview with anti raids comrades
Some people involved in local anti raids projects were interviewed on Dissident Island Radio. Have a listen here.
Ultima Hora: el compañero Joaquín García golpea al miserable Álvaro Corbalan
Seguimos en pie, en esta trinchera no hemos muerto.
-Joaquin Garcia-
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Porto Alegre, Brazil: Posters in solidarity with Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar
Against the trial that is being carried out against Francisco Solar and Monica Caballero, several individuals from different parts of the city set out to invade the streets with posters in solidarity with the companeros.
Verona, l’Urlo ri-occupa!
Dopo un mese dall’ultima occupazione, come promesso, l’URLO torna a far sentire la propria voce.
Oggi venerdì 11 marzo una trentina di ragazze/i hanno occupato lo stabile in via Basso Acquar 30/a.
Oggi si ricrea dal basso con l’autogestione uno spazio di socialità libera, estraneo a ogni logica di commercio e profitto, per una reale alternativa all’alienazione e al disagio provocati dalla società malata e consumistica odierna.
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Attack on the French Institute in Athens in solidarity with the persecuted migrants in Calais, against the evacuation of the Jungle!
Communiqué in Greek via Athens IMC.
English translation received March 12th 2016:
On March the 2nd we attacked the French Institute in Athens with molotov bombs. With this action we send a message of class solidarity to the persecuted migrants and fighters who struggle against the French state. The French Institute portrays the hypocrisy of the French Republic where behind the unfulfilled revolutionary slogan Freedom-Equality-Fraternity lurks the brutality of capitalist domination.
Continue reading Attack on the French Institute in Athens in solidarity with the persecuted migrants in Calais, against the evacuation of the Jungle!
Arson attack at a luxury car dealership in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists
A car dealership near Côtes-des-Neiges was attacked using incendiary devices causing damage to luxury vehicles in the honor of the courageous imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and of Revolutionary Struggle.
Solidarity means attack.
Long live anarchy.
A thousand years to the Black International
Santiago: Foro informativo a 8 años de la detención de los compañeros Freddy Fuetevilla y Marcelo Villarroel en territorio argentino
Hace ya ocho años que los compañeros Freddy Fuentevilla y Marcelo Villarroel fueron detenidos en el territorio del Estado argentino mientras se mantenían clandestinos, tras la persecución y amenaza de muerte que la policía chilena efectuaba contra ellos condenándolos mediáticamente por una expropiación bancaria y el asesinato del bastardo paco Moyano. Tras ser encarcelados, luego extraditados, y vivir una extensa prisión preventiva, hoy enfrentan condenas que representan el deseo del Estado por enterrar sus historias de subversión, lo que no han conseguido, permaneciendo dignos, resistiendo y combatiendo, manteniendo su memoria y convicciones intactas dentro de las jaulas de la Cárcel de Alta Seguridad.
Continue reading Santiago: Foro informativo a 8 años de la detención de los compañeros Freddy Fuetevilla y Marcelo Villarroel en territorio argentino
ALF italia
“Freed 49 lambs from a herd intended for Easter massacre.
On the night of March 7 we returned the joy of living to 49 lambs, with the complicity of the night we arrived in front of the fence that protected the stable where they were locked up those 49 defenseless creatures, alone, cold, hungry, frightened and some wounded.