Augustus In Vancouver: A Non-Event

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Another shitty, rainy day in the post-industrial, gentrified shit-hole city of Vancouver.

About 25 or so random people gather at the south-east corner if Dunsmuir and Granville. Confusion and apprehension dominates the mood. The large group that said on social media they would be gathered to confront Augustus Sol Invictus and his group of supporters failed to materialize. Augustus’ inability to get across the border, the cancellation of his “free speech rally”, the rain and “because Vancouver” are all possible explanations.
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No “Day of the German Future” on 4th of June ’16 – Let’s unite to block & sabotage!

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“Day of the German Future” in Dortmund? Let’s unite to block, sabotage and prevent the neo-Nazis from marching!

On the 4th of June 2016 neo-Nazis are about to march in the streets of Dortmund. Since 2009 the annual “Day of the German Future” rallies have become one of Germany’s most important neo-Nazi events. The local neo-Nazis of Dortmund’s far-right party “Die Rechte” want to bring the annual event to Dortmund for the first time.
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Palabras solidarias para Monica y Francisco de la compañera Tato (Natalia Collado)


Que la solidaridad se expanda y se haga sentir, que sea palpable  en actos que crucen cada muro de la cárcel o del teatro-audiencia, para así romper el aislamiento de cada presx que se enorgullece de su vida indómita y que ha seguido optando y siendo, dentro de la estructura-funcionamiento cárcel,  unx antiautoritarix .  cada acto, gesto, es una extensión del deseo de reventar toda imposición de esta civilización patriarcal- antropocentrista.
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Unyielding Before Power and its Repression


From Iconoclasia
Translated by Scott Campbell

On the repressive circus mounted by the Mexican State

…what is condemned about anarchists is not the violence, but their having transcended denunciations and conferences, bringing disobedience, insubordination and the capacity for revolt to this point. What is condemned is precisely the fact of their standing up and walking from the point of a radical critique of power and an intransigent ethic of freedom; and, moreover, to do so until the very end.
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Chile: Six Arauco Forestry Trucks Torched, Route Blockaded


A sabotage was reported on Wednesday morning against a caravan of trucks that lend their services to Forestal Arauco [the Forestry Service of the Arauco forests, home to thousand-year-old trees, and countless other beings] on Route P-150 in the Tirúa commune; this corresponds to the new wave of resistance against forestry companies invested in the zone.
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FBI instructs high schools to report students who may be “anarchist extremists”

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Under new guidelines, the FBI is instructing high schools across the country to report students who criticize government policies and “western corruption” as potential future terrorists, warning that “anarchist extremists” are in the same category as ISIS and young people who are poor, immigrants or travel to “suspicious” countries are more likely to commit horrific violence.
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