May Day: Attack White Supremacy


From Conflict MN



…declared the bold text on posters flyposted the length of Sunday’s May Day parade route. A masked anti-fascist squaring off with a police officer in Stone Mountain, GA is pictured too. The cops and fascists attacked in Georgia bring joy to our hearts and rejuvenates our desire to revolt. [Donate to the legal fund here!] Against the spectacle of the annual parade, we affirm the fierce rebellions that brought us here.

The territory known as the United States continues to erupt against the twin forces of the State and white supremacy in all of their forms. Whether the Donald Trump rallies that end in broken cruisers and broken noses, the KKK rallies that never evade the boots of anti-fascists, or the fires of Baltimore and Ferguson. This is not divorced from a long history of rebellion in the United States before there even was such a thing. We will never rest until the colonial machine is torn apart for good.

We don’t indulge ourselves in believing that these posters will raise the consciousness of the masses in preparation for The Revolution. These actions must be made insignificant through repetition.

Chicago 1886

Los Angeles 1992

Baltimore 2015