The Athens Zinefest will take place at the Steki Metanaston and the adjacent park on Tsamadou Street, in Eksarhia, on Saturday, May 14, 2016. The idea for a zinefest in Athens began in 2013 as a personal endeavour. This year it is being organized by a small group of people, and we hope more zinesters will join us in years to come. The event is being organized without sponsors (absolutely ad free) and will not include trade magazines.
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All posts by machorka
concert contre la répression (Paris)
Face à la répression des mouvements sociaux (matraquage et procès), la solidarité est une arme.
Cette soirée/concert de soutien rap et punk organisée avec amour par Mouvement Inter Luttes Indépendant et ARAK ASSO visent à la renforcer puisque tous les bénéfices iront à la caisse de soutien CADECOL.
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Festival Maloka (Espace Autogéré des Tanneries Dijon)
Vendredi 13 Mai 2016 – Dijon – Espace Autogéré des Tanneries
Festival Maloka
20h00 / 8€
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Bastard Radio
Bastard Radio : Juke box anarchopunk, crust et grind
T.A.z CoN.aCTioN Soli Abend Mit VOKÜ, iNfO, KOnZerT & TEchNo
Aggiornamento su Davide Delogu, l’udienza del 21 aprile e condizioni di carcerazione
Breve resoconto sulla prima udienza del processo a Davide Delogu – Tribunale di Cagliari 21 aprile 2016
Il processo per la cosiddetta “tentata evasione dal Buncammino” (in realtà per colpire una protesta collettiva di ormai due anni fa), è fissato per le 11. Quando arriviamo Davide è ancora rinchiuso in una stanzetta presidiata. Nell’atrio aspettano i genitori, ai quali è stato concesso un breve incontro di cinque minuti, la nipotina di 3 anni che vede per la prima volta, e un gruppetto di compagne.
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2ΗΜΕΡΟ LIVE 21/05 – 22/05
Benefit night for ASS (london)
[Montreal] For the proliferation of the balade: some thoughts on the anti-police demo in Hochelag’ – April 14th 2016 (en/fr)
After having participated in what was called as a demo against the police in Hochelaga on Thursday April 14th, we had the urge to share some reflections outside of our living rooms (towards yours perhaps?).
First off, we were fucking excited to see a flyer circulate that was calling for a neighborhood demo in Hochelag’. We want to be able to participate in moments of struggle in the neighborhood and not only downtown and/or in demos called on Facebook.
Continue reading [Montreal] For the proliferation of the balade: some thoughts on the anti-police demo in Hochelag’ – April 14th 2016 (en/fr)