After the courtcase of LAUtonomia activist Sarah on the 22 of March at the court district of Cottbus our compa Huba got arrested. Sarah was released and got arrested straight away again for something else but we do not have the info on why and for what. Sarah was in jail for a month for not giving ID after getting caught shoplifting. When leaving the courtroom civil cops and the screws hold Huba at the door and confronted him with a warrant for his arrest. The same day he saw a judge in Cottbuss. He came as a spectator for the court case and left in hand-cuffs.
Continue reading Hambach Forest: Solidarity to imprisoned Sarah and Huba (Germany)
Category Archives: DE
CaRNiVaL 0f SuBCuLtuRe
Germany: Attack against Bosch in Berlin
15.03.16: Coordination of militants and anarchist groups is at least initially desirable for the development of resistance to the European border regime. Of the numerous and widespread calls issued by the rebel milieu the text “Sabotage Fortress Europe – We Can Do That”, among others that were reprinted in Zeck 190 had some relevance for us because the proposals are more concrete than many general calls.
Continue reading Germany: Attack against Bosch in Berlin
[Communication] Contra Info has a new pgp key
We now have a pgp key to use for encrypted communication, for those of you who may wish to use it or require it.
Click here to download it in .asc text format (armored).
Obviously, we still receive unencrypted emails at contrainfo[at] You can also submit texts anonymously by using our comments section
(select: Leave a comment; fill in the blank field; then press: Post Comment).
Solidarity with our crypto comrades!
Contra Info
Die erste Ausgabe der Zeitung “DAILY RESISTANCE” ist draussen.
DAILY RESISTANCE ist eine (Print-)Zeitung, geschrieben von den sogenannten Refugees, die über ihre Situation und ihren Kampf in Deutschland und Europa berichten und warum sie als Freiheitskämpfer*innen ihr illegalisiertes Leben nicht akzeptieren – demnach ist auch die Zielpublikum der Zeitung jene Menschen, die den gleichen Umständen unterworfen sind wie sie selbst.
Continue reading Die erste Ausgabe der Zeitung “DAILY RESISTANCE” ist draussen.
A-Radio-Soliparty im Syndikat: 26.3.!
Am Samstag, den 26.3., steigt im Syndikat die große Soli-Party des Anarchistischen Radios Berlin. Wir sammeln Geld für ein Treffen anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radioprojekte, das 2016 stattfinden wird. Und wir sammeln Geld, um neue anarchistische Radioprojekte im Ausland infrastrukturell zu unterstützen, damit sie loslegen können und der Welt libertäre Inhalte und Programme präsentieren können.
Continue reading A-Radio-Soliparty im Syndikat: 26.3.!
Finland: Luxury cars sabotaged in eastern Helsinki
In the night between the 9th and 10th March 2016, we sabotaged about 10 luxury cars rendering them unusable.
Driving private cars, especially big ones in the city, is useless and ecologically unsustainable.
We will carry on action to disturb destruction and exploitation of nature and animals.
in German
No Border Action Days
1st of April – 3rd of April in Freiburg (D) and Basel (CH)
Call to Action: Come to the No Border Action Days on the first weekend of April!
Hundreds of thousands of people are stuck in front of the borders along the Balkan Route, the Jungle in Calais is being evicted brutally, day by day people are dying in the Mediterranean Sea – and the EU’s most urgent concern is to re-establish the „freedom“ inside the Schengen area to make vacation go on and profit more relaxed again? No fucking way!
We* are tired of watching silently in rage and grief, how the Fortress Europe is isolating itself and expulsing so many. Practical solidarity is important and humanitarian support is necessary. Yet we will not just keep reacting to evitable emergencies, support the state by massively providing basic need care without payment and play our role in Europe getting comfortable in its racist everyday mode. It is our responsibility to disturb here, and disturb, where it’s hurting.
Continue reading No Border Action Days
Marseille, France: Week of action in solidarity with resistance in Calais
Following the recent evictions in Calais, a week of action in solidarity with the resistance of the ’’jungle’’ took place in Marseille. The various actions contained in this communique were anonymously contributed by numerous individuals and groups. All the targets chosen collaborate in the repression, subjugation and deportation of migrant and/or paperless people in Calais and elsewhere.
Below is the list of actions as they were communicated by those responsible:
Continue reading Marseille, France: Week of action in solidarity with resistance in Calais
Germany – Urgent Hambach Forest Eviction
Second Day of Evictions! Support needed!
Polizei an der Wiese 14.3.2016.3 from Hambacher Forst on Vimeo.