Category Archives: Events
[Biblioteca Kaos – Porto Alegre] Calendário de atividades – Maio Subversivo
Segundas 2,16 e 30: Leituras e trocas sobre saúde e oficinas de preparação de remédios naturais.
Quinta 12 e 26: Devir Contrasexual. Experiências dissidentes
Domingo 1: 1 de mayo Anarquista. Contra o trabalho e toda forma de exploração. 14hs.
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Appello per tre giorni di discussione e lotta
Pubblichiamo l’invito per tre giorni di discussione e lotta contro le frontiere, sia quelle manifeste ai confini tra gli Stati, sia quelle delle strutture della Detenzione Amministrativa e della Seconda Accoglienza presenti in tutto il territorio nazionale italiano.
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KIEL EXPLODE festival, Vol. 6
Open Hrušovany
Datum: 14.05.2016 14:00
Kde: Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou – za kotelnou
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Raw Punk HC + Mucopus + Altri @Foa Boccaccio 003
F.O.A. Boccaccio 03 – Monza
Orange County’s Anarchist Bookfair
A lot has been happening in coming together and planning for the 2nd Annual Orange County Anarchist Bookfair. This year, we will be bringing all the books, workshops and speakers to Fullerton Community College on May 7th, 2016! We are organizing to make sure that the 2nd Annual OC Anarchist Bookfair stays true to its roots; but, we are also excited to be bringing new information and resources to our community and comrades. Please help us in spreading the word, applying to facilitate a workshop, become a vendor, a volunteer (Forms are available on our FB Page) and DONATE!… However you are able to be involved is much appreciated.
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28.05.2016 – Torneo di Calcio Antirazzista – Concerti Ska Hip Hop Punk
28 Maggio 2016 – Torneo di Calcio Antirazzista
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Spring Minifest (Firenze)
ven 6 – sab 7 maggio – Spring Minifest
ORE 22.30:
– Montana – Punk Rock ‘n rolla da Fano/Pesaro. È appena uscito in 12″ lo split con i brasiliani Ornitorrincos, date un ascolto!
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Convergence In Support of Eco-Prisoners & Against Toxic Prisons
June 11 – 13, 2016 in Washington D.C.
June 11 and 12th – Converge and Strategize
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