Category Archives: Events
[Recordatorio] Presentación libro “entrenamiento físico”
7MAY Refugees Welcome! Kick South Coast Resistance out of Pompey
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30APR Chicago Zine Fest 2016 Saturday Exhibition Day!
Day two of the Chicago Zine Fest continues Saturday, April 30 with the main attraction, a zine exhibition from 11 am- 6 pm.
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(Stgo) 29/ABR- Cena Xilografica en la Población Yungay
Compañerxs tenemos el agrado de invitarlxs nuevamente a pasar una fraternal jornada solidaria en nuestra querida biblioteca.
Continue reading (Stgo) 29/ABR- Cena Xilografica en la Población Yungay
Lons-le-Saunier (Jura): récit d’une arrestation – venez soutenir Grégoire à son appel le 4 mai !
Bonjour, Grégoire a été arrêté et incarcéré suite à un infotour de la ZAD à Lons-le-Saunier.
Un certain nombre d’entre vous l’avez rencontré lors des réunions d’infos de ces dernier mois ou sur la ZAD.
Nous appelons à relayer cet appel et à venir le soutenir le 4 mai à Rennes lors de son procès.
Continue reading Lons-le-Saunier (Jura): récit d’une arrestation – venez soutenir Grégoire à son appel le 4 mai !
CPA Firenze Sud in collaborazione con THREE LITTLE LADIES e Antipop Records è orgoglioso di presentare RISCOSSA HARDCORE – Festival D.I.Y. in ricordo di Roberto Perciballi, compagno, punk, amico, teppista…con (in ordine rigorosamente alfabetico):
Santiago, Chile: Feria del libro y editoriales autonómas y anárquicas
Feria de las Ratas de Biblioteca nace a partir de la necesidad de un grupo de editoriales independientes y anárquicas de difundir y promover sus trabajos dentro de la región de manera nómada, intentando abarcar diferentes espacios.
La primera de las ferias será el día miércoles 27 de abril desde las 12:00hrs en el bloque cultural que se realiza en los pastos centrales del Pedagógico.
Dirección: Avenida José Pedro Alessandri #774, Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile.
Call For Action in Solidarity With Ongoing Texas Prison Strike
As of May 8, Texas prisoners will have been on strike for over a month in response to slave labor and denial of their basic human rights. As the strike carries on, TDCJ will undoubtedly continue to retaliate in hopes of discouraging this movement. We encourage cities across the nation to participate in this call for action to show solidarity with those on the inside, as well as gain media attention to further intimidate TDCJ to meet the prisoners demands. In addition, we take this as an opportunity to amplify the voices of the striking prisoners, carrying their message for public outreach.
Their list of demands and additional information can be found here.
We urge cities across Texas and far beyond to get behind this movement and let prisoners know that they are not alone. Circulate this information as widely as possible, and coordinate with groups to plan an event in your area.
Call For Action in Solidarity With Ongoing Texas Prison Strike
[Genova] Primo maggio anticapitalista e antimilitarista
Il capitale mostra sempre più il suo vero volto fatto di guerre, devastazioni e rapine ai danni di miliardi di persone.Per questo è più che mai urgente opporci in modo risoluto a tutto ciò, combattendo capitalismo ed imperialismo nei nostri paesi e mostrando solidarietà a quanti lottano, qui come altrove, nell’unico modo concreto a nostra disposizione: la lotta di classe.
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