Category Archives: FR

Mexico City: New charges against anarchists Amélie, Fallon and Carlos, imprisoned since January 5th, 2014 – en/es/fr


On the morning of May 16th, comrades Amélie and Fallon were notified that they would be taken to the Reclusorio Sur (Mexico City’s Southern Penitentiary) to testify on new charges under federal order.

At around 8am, both were transferred to the court, where they met comrade Carlos.
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Notti bianche e cieli stellati (it/fr)

A car burns after the family riding it drove through a flaming barrier during a protest against the 2014 World Cup in Sao Paulo

La Coppa del Mondo non è un affare di calcio. Se un paese è candidato per l’organizzazione di questo evento, è perché il calcio esercita oggi la stessa funzione di uno spettacolo di gladiatori nell’antica Roma, oltre a costituire un’occasione insperata per lo Stato organizzatore di far avanzare a passi da gigante il proprio sviluppo economico e la propria influenza politica. La Coppa ha costi mostruosi, tuttavia il rientro sull’investimento promette quasi a colpo sicuro di essere assai lucroso.
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Appendix to an aborted debate on attack and anonimity (en/it/fr)


A debate is the in-depth exploration of a certain question through the confrontation between two or more sides, each one with their own position. Unlike those who think that debates are to be avoided as to not provoke divisions, we think that they have to be nourished. Because the goal of a debate is not to declare a winner before whom all have to bend the knee, but to enrich the conscience of each one. Debates clarify the ideas. The enunciation of and the confrontation between different ideas – a debate is exactly this! – elucidates the dusky parts and indicates the weak points of these ideas. This helps everybody, nobody excluded. It helps all of the sides who are participating in the ideas to refine, correct or reinforce their own ideas. And it helps everyone who assists to the debate, who will make a choice on which side to be (be it the one side, the other side, or neither of the sides discussing).
Continue reading Appendix to an aborted debate on attack and anonimity (en/it/fr)

Mouvement anarchiste et antirépression en Biélorussie


L’Anarchist Black Cross Biélorusse est actuellement en France pour une tournée d’information et de soutien, et sera de passage à Lyon le mercredi 21 mai, à 19h à la librairie La Gryffe. Une occasion pour venir s’informer sur la situation en Biélorussie et la répression à laquelle font face les anarchistes locaux, et pour soutenir ce groupe de soutien aux prisonniers anarchistes biélorusses.
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[Publication] Brésil – Nuits blanches et ciels étoilés


La Coupe du Monde au Brésil et les soubresauts internationaux de l’insurrection

La Coupe du Monde n’est pas une question de foot. Si un pays est candidat pour l’organisation de cet événement, c’est parce que le foot remplit aujourd’hui la même fonction que le spectacle des gladiateurs dans la Rome antique, mais également parce que c’est une occasion inespérée pour l’Etat organisateur de faire avancer à pas de géant son développement économique et son rayonnement politique.
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Avalanche next issue: call for contributions // Avalanche nouveau n°: appel aux contributions


Dear comrades,

We are preparing for the next issue of Avalanche and so we send around
this invitation if you want to send us a contribution or a text you think
appropriate to insert, speaking about the struggle context anarchists are
facing, problematics and perspectives that are arising,…
Continue reading Avalanche next issue: call for contributions // Avalanche nouveau n°: appel aux contributions

Greece : Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo Kozani concerning their trial which begins on 29/11/13 (en/it/fr)


The 29th of November has been set as our court date for the double robbery in Velvedo Kozani. The trial will take place in the female section of Koridallos prisons and not -as it was first announced to us- at the Appellate on Loukareos street. The courtroom, this sacred brothel of justice, was always the space where the ruling class -authority- had to prove its dominance against the “illegals” of this state.
Continue reading Greece : Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo Kozani concerning their trial which begins on 29/11/13 (en/it/fr)

Samedi 24 Mai: vernissage SMOD à la Luttine


Silver Mullet Of Death est le pseudo d’Arnaud. Sérigraphe, dessinateur et organisateur de tournées et concerts punk, il commence à organiser des concerts au début des années 90 dans le Nord/Pas de Calais, où il crée ses affiches à base de collages et de dessins pourris, le tout en photocopies. En voyageant notamment aux USA et dans certains squats suisses, il découvre que certains punks locaux sérigraphient leurs affiches en plusieurs couleurs et grand format, à la main, dans leur garage ou leur cuisine.


The Psychopathology Of Work (en/fr) 2004


Penelope Rosemont

Work, now? Never, never. I’m on strike. – Arthur Rimbaud
Depersonalization and alienation from our deepest desires is implanted during childhood via school, church, movies, and TV, and soon reaches the point where an individual’s desire is not only a net of contradictions, but also a commodity like all the others. “True life” always seems to be just a bit beyond what a weekly paycheck and credit card can afford, and is thus indefinitely postponed. And each postponement contributes to the reproduction of a social system that practically everyone who is not a multimillionaire or a masochist has come to loathe.
Continue reading The Psychopathology Of Work (en/fr) 2004