17 Nisan Pazar 2016 tarihinde İnfiAl’de geçtiğimiz sene Suruç’ta katledilen Vatan Budak’ın doğum günü etkinliği gerçekleşecek..
“17 Nisan Pazar günü İnfiAl’de Vatan Budak yoldaşımızı;
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Category Archives: other languages
12ª Mostra del llibre Anarquista de Barcelona
Aquest any la Mostra del llibre Anarquista s’avança i serà entre el 26 i el 29 de maig al barri del Clot. En breus estarà disponible el cartell i el programa |
Mira també: http://www.llibreanarquista.net/ |
Philippines: Support the Greenhouse Infoshop mobile library!
My name is Noel Regachuelo I am a community organizer, gardener, artist and a designer. I maintain the Greenhouse Infoshop Project, an autonomous space & a community library. Our space is located far from the city, so I designed a mobile library that can go to any places at any time. The design is simple yet compact and practical, with the use of my road bike attached to the cart library, composed of (zine shelves, book shelves, compartment, battery, solar panel, video projector & speakers). As a community organizer my visions are; to share knowledge, skills and support communities thru library, gardening, art and music, towards sustainability and autonomy.
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23anys sense tu! Homenatge a Gullem Agulló [Dimarts 12A]
El pròxim dimarts dia 12 d’abril recordarem a Guillem Agulló amb una concentració i un mural homenatge. Ni oblidem ni perdonem! Feixisme mai més!
Malmö: Action against the Swedish border control and Fortress Europe
This very moment activists from Southern Sweden onboard on a train from Copenhagen’s airport Kastrup bound to Sweden, Malmö refuse to show ID cards during border checks initiated by Sweden in November 2015 to prevent refugees from reaching its territory. This is an action against Fortress Europe and in solidarity with thousands of detained and deported refugees in Europe and Turkey. What follows is the communiqué of their action.
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Entire traffic to the Fennovoima-Rosatom nuke plant construction site blocked
On 6th of April, anti-nuclear activists blocked the entire traffic to the Fennovoima-Rosatom’s nuclear power plant construction site at Pyhäjoki, Finland. In total the blockade lasted roughly two to two-and-a-half hours.
For now, there is only one road leading to the construction site that can take the heavy machinery. This road connects to a smaller one, leading to quarries used for massive landfills now being carried out at the site. Such a detail makes the construction site quite vulnerable for different methods of direct action.
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International Anarchist Meeting – Istanbul, Izmir, Eskisehir, Ankara (16-22. April 2016)
International Anarchist Meeting – Istanbul, Izmir, Eskisehir, Ankara (16-22. April 2016)
The Anarchist Movement, Solidarity with refugees, Anti-Racism, Anti-Capitalism and Antimilitarism in Europe
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[Estado Español] Sobre la condena de 12 años de prisión para lxs anarquistas Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar
El pasado 30 de marzo se hacía pública la sentencia del juicio a los anarquistas Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar. En ella, la sección cuarta de la Audiencia Nacional, presidida por la jueza Ángela Murillo, resuelve condenar a nuestros compañeros a 7 años de prisión por los cargos de “daños con finalidad terrorista” y 5 años más por los cargos de “lesiones con finalidad terrorista”, que suman un total de 12 años de prisión para cada uno de ellos. También son condenados a pagar una indemnización de 22.000€ para la mujer que resultó herida leve en un oído y 182.000€ al Cabildo de Zaragoza por los daños materiales que “sufrió” el templo religioso. Por otro lado, quedan absueltos de “pertenencia a organización terrorista” y de “conspiración”.
La sentencia, que coincide con las modificaciones que hizo la acusación particular durante el juicio, la cual variaba los cargos que finalmente mantenía por su parte, se explica de esta forma:
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Marseille, France: Prisoner letter writing workshop in solidarity with ELF/ALF prisoner Rebecca Rubin and Gaël in Nantes (en/fr)
[8 d’abril] Sopador + xerrada + cantautora B12 a Kasa de la Muntanya
Avda/ Sant Josep de la Muntanya 31-33
Lesseps o Joanic
Aquest divendres 8: Continue reading [8 d’abril] Sopador + xerrada + cantautora B12 a Kasa de la Muntanya |