Sull’albero dell’avvenire noi edifichiamo
il nostro nido; le aquile rechino a noi il
cibo nel loro becco adunco.
In verità non un cibo che possono gustare
anche gli impuri!
Essi crederebbero di mangiare fuoco e si
brucerebbero la bocca.
Category Archives: text
Anarquismo y Cárceles
Píxeles para entender la critica antiautoritaria y abolicionista a las Prisiones
Rodolfo Montes de Oca
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Advice to Those About to Emigrate
In these days when Home Colonisation is seriously discussed, and is even tried, in England as an outlet for the populations of our congested towns, the following letters will be of much interest to our readers. A comrade in New South Wales, writing to Kropotkin for suggestions and advice, says:
Continue reading Advice to Those About to Emigrate
A un año: La memoria como un narma. Reflexiones durante el 22 de mayo del 2010
A un año de la caída en combate de Mauricio Morales: ¡La memoria como un Arma!
Continue reading A un año: La memoria como un narma. Reflexiones durante el 22 de mayo del 2010
A distanza
“Killing King Abacus”
Ma da ogni altro punto di vista che non sia quello del facilitare il controllo poliziesco, la Parigi di Haussmann è una città costruita da un idiota, piena di rumore e violenza, che non significa nulla.
G. Debord
Early in May two young men from the Ukraina arrived in Petrograd. Both had lived in America for a number of years and had been active in the Yiddish Labour and Anarchist movements. One of them had also been editor of an English weekly Anarchist paper, The Alarm, published in Chicago. In 1917, at the outbreak of the Revolution, they left for Russia together with other emigrants.
Continue reading A VISIT FROM THE UKRAINA Emma Goldman
¿A dónde ahora? Algunos pensamientos sobre el crear la anarquía x Feral Faun
“Cualquier sociedad que tu construyas tendrá sus limites. Y fuera de los limites de cualquier sociedad los desobedientes y heroicos vagabundos deambularan con sus pensamientos salvajes y vírgenes…planificando cada ves nuevos y terribles estallidos de rebelión”
Renzo Novatore
Continue reading ¿A dónde ahora? Algunos pensamientos sobre el crear la anarquía x Feral Faun
A Contribution for the Compas in the Fire Cells Conspiracy/Informal Anarchist Federation
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Dear brothers and sisters:
Continue reading A Contribution for the Compas in the Fire Cells Conspiracy/Informal Anarchist Federation
A 4 años de la muerte de nuestro compañero Punky Mauri: Nuestra memoria es negra, nuestro corazón también.
A Project of Anarchist Organisation
Errico Malatesta (1927)
I recently happened to come across a French pamphlet (in Italy today [1927], as is known, the non-fascist press cannot freely circulate), with the title ‘Organisational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Project)’.
Continue reading A Project of Anarchist Organisation