Tag Archives: 1883

Textos sobre La Mano Negra


“En 1883 el público español por primera vez tuvo noticias de una serie de delitos cometidos por una misteriosa organización clandestina llamada la Mano Negra en las provincias de Cádiz y Sevilla. Esa agrupación, arraigada en el Sur agrario, fue acusada por las autoridades de querer derribar el Gobierno español y eliminar la aristocracia terrateniente de Andalucía, recurriendo incluso a los medios más extremos y violentos.
Organizada como una sociedad secreta rural, la Mano Negra se convirtió en la imagen popular de lo que un grupo de trabajadores podía llegar a hacer bajo la influencia de la Asociación Internacional de Trabajadores (A.I.T.) y de la ideología anarquista que predicaba la reforma agraria y la transformación del orden social existente.”

Enlace [PDF]: José Luis Gutiérrez Molina – La construcción de un mito. La Mano Negra

Enlace [PDF]: Clara E. Lida – La Mano Negra (Anarquismo agrario en Andalucía)

Enlace [PDF]: Juan Madrid – La Mano Negra. Caciques y señoritos contra los anarquistas

Enlace [EPUB]: Juan Madrid – La Mano Negra. Caciques y señoritos contra los anarquistas

Enlace [PDF]: Pepe Maestre – La Mano Negra


The Right To Be Lazy


Paul Lafargue


M. Thiers, at a private session of the commission on primary education of 1849, said: “I wish to make the influence of the clergy all powerful because I count upon it to propagate that good philosophy which teaches man that he is here below to suffer, and not that other philosophy which on the contrary bids man to enjoy.” M. Thiers was stating the ethics of the capitalist class, whose fierce egoism and narrow intelligence he incarnated.

The Bourgeoisie, when it was struggling against the nobility sustained by the clergy, hoisted the flag of free thought and atheism; but once triumphant, it changed its tone and manner and today it uses religion to support its economic and political supremacy. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it had joyfully taken up the pagan tradition and glorified the flesh and its passions, reproved by Christianity; in our days, gorged with goods and with pleasures, it denies the teachings of its thinkers like Rabelais and Diderot, and preaches abstinence to the wageworkers. Capitalist ethics, a pitiful parody on Christian ethics, strikes with its anathema the flesh of the laborer; its ideal is to reduce the producer to the smallest number of needs, to suppress his joys and his passions and to condemn him to play the part of a machine turning out work without respite and without thanks.

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The Right To Be Lazy


Paul Lafargue

M. Thiers, at a private session of the commission on primary education of 1849, said: “I wish to make the influence of the clergy all powerful because I count upon it to propagate that good philosophy which teaches man that he is here below to suffer, and not that other philosophy which on the contrary bids man to enjoy.” M. Thiers was stating the ethics of the capitalist class, whose fierce egoism and narrow intelligence he incarnated.
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The Right To Be Lazy

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Paul Lafargue


M. Thiers, at a private session of the commission on primary education of 1849, said: “I wish to make the influence of the clergy all powerful because I count upon it to propagate that good philosophy which teaches man that he is here below to suffer, and not that other philosophy which on the contrary bids man to enjoy.” M. Thiers was stating the ethics of the capitalist class, whose fierce egoism and narrow intelligence he incarnated.

The Bourgeoisie, when it was struggling against the nobility sustained by the clergy, hoisted the flag of free thought and atheism; but once triumphant, it changed its tone and manner and today it uses religion to support its economic and political supremacy. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it had joyfully taken up the pagan tradition and glorified the flesh and its passions, reproved by Christianity; in our days, gorged with goods and with pleasures, it denies the teachings of its thinkers like Rabelais and Diderot, and preaches abstinence to the wageworkers. Capitalist ethics, a pitiful parody on Christian ethics, strikes with its anathema the flesh of the laborer; its ideal is to reduce the producer to the smallest number of needs, to suppress his joys and his passions and to condemn him to play the part of a machine turning out work without respite and without thanks.

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The Right To Be Lazy

Paul Lafargue


M. Thiers, at a private session of the commission on primary education of 1849, said: “I wish to make the influence of the clergy all powerful because I count upon it to propagate that good philosophy which teaches man that he is here below to suffer, and not that other philosophy which on the contrary bids man to enjoy.” M. Thiers was stating the ethics of the capitalist class, whose fierce egoism and narrow intelligence he incarnated.

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Que los hombres se entretengan parloteando sobre la Revolución, ¡que lo hagan! Las mujeres nihilistas, hartas de tanto aplazamiento, están determinadas a actuar. Pensando en la aniquilación de la burguesía, están listas para sacrificarlo todo por acelerar la realización de este proyecto, del odio inextinguible que las devora, sacarán todas las fuerzas necesarias para superar los obstáculos.


The Right To Be Lazy


Paul Lafargue (1883)


M. Thiers, at a private session of the commission on primary education of 1849, said: “I wish to make the influence of the clergy all powerful because I count upon it to propagate that good philosophy which teaches man that he is here below to suffer, and not that other philosophy which on the contrary bids man to enjoy.” M. Thiers was stating the ethics of the capitalist class, whose fierce egoism and narrow intelligence he incarnated.
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Manifesto delle Donne Nichiliste

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Che gli uomini continuino a blaterare allegramente sulla rivoluzione- Sono liberi di farlo! Le donne nichiliste sono stanche di tutto questo procrastinare e sono determinate ad agire. Pensare come annientare la borghesia, esse sono pronte a sacrificare tutto per accelerare la realizzazione di questa impresa. Nell’odio inestinguibile che ci sta divorando, daranno fondo a tutte a tutte le forze necessarie per superare ogni ostacolo.

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1982 – 1984: La Epidemia Terrorista. Emile Henry – Ravachol.





    ¿Qué nos hace sentir hermanados a Mauricio Morales, compañero que cayó mientras transportaba un artefacto explosivo al cuartel de carabineros de Chile?, ¿y a Simón Radowitsky o Angiolillo?
¿Y a los no conocidos que han despreciado y desprecian al poder?
¿Qué nos hace sentir hermanados a los miles que sin acciones espectaculares rasguñan, rompen o fuerzan las cadenas?
Continue reading 1982 – 1984: La Epidemia Terrorista. Emile Henry – Ravachol.