(Woolloomooloo anti eviction rally, Sydney early 1930s)
The economic depression of the 1930s saw thousands of Australians thrown out of their homes and into the streets. These actions however did not go unopposed. Across Australia pickets, occupations and protests were organised to disrupt and prevent evictions and auctions. Where these failed some took matters into their own hands wrecking the properties of landlords and real estate agents in revenge. This pamphlet, originally written in 1998 and updated ten years later, chronicles just some of the many struggles that took place. It includes a chronology of actions as well as photos and quotes from those involved providing an insight into the events of the time. It can be downloaded here.
María de la Concepción Martí Fuster, conocida como Ada Martí, nació en Barcelona el 1 de julio de 1915, en el seno de una familia de clase media. Anarquista, intelectual cultísima y escritora con gran facilidad de expresión, tanto en castellano como en catalán. Universitaria. Dirigente de la Federación Estudiantil de Conciencias Libres. Militante de Mujeres Libres. Impresionó y sedujo a los jóvenes de su generación por su belleza, su inteligencia, sus amplias lecturas, su culta conversación, su pasión intelectual, su larga cabellera negra y su blanca vestimenta. Continue reading Ada Martí (1915-1960)→
Will I manage to avoid here those considerations that belong more in the articles on Fatherland and Patriotism?
Anti-patriotism was the reaction of reason and sentiment the moment patriotism reigned. It took on diverse forms in accordance with the degree to which it relied more or less consciously on individualism, on love for all men, on love for one man (as with Camille, the sister of the Horatii), or even on a reasoned or sentimental preference for the laws and morals of a foreign country. Continue reading Anti-patriotism by Han Ryner→
Camillo Berneri (1897-1937) was an Italian anarchist forced into exile in 1926 as a result of his anti-fascist activities. A professor of literature and philosophy, he refused to take an oath of allegiance to Mussolini and to join the Fascist “syndicate,” a state controlled corporativist organization (not to be confused with the revolutionary trade union organizations of the anarcho-syndicalists, such as theUnion Sindicale Italiano(USI) – Italian Syndicalist Union). Berneri moved from country to country, being refused refugee status and often expelled. He was a prolific writer active in the international anarchist and anti-fascist movements. English translations of some of his writings can be found at: http://struggle.ws/berneri.html. Continue reading Camillo Berneri: Against the Racist Delirium→
È il grido che lungo l’erta aspra ed impervia della libertà riecheggia nelle più fosche giornate della storia; ed è ad ogni ritorno il grido della fierezza e della rivincita, il grido della vita e della speranza.
La Comune! L’onnipotenza romana non la soggioga: la Repubblica può accordarle privilegi e franchigie, non imporle il suo diritto e le sue leggi; l’Impero in quel focolare ardente d’indipendenza e d’energie saluta la parte più sana e più rigogliosa della sua immane e vacillante compagine, le è largo di rinnovate guarentigie.
Will I manage to avoid here those considerations that belong more in the articles on Fatherland and Patriotism?
Anti-patriotism was the reaction of reason and sentiment the moment patriotism reigned. It took on diverse forms in accordance with the degree to which it relied more or less consciously on individualism, on love for all men, on love for one man (as with Camille, the sister of the Horatii), or even on a reasoned or sentimental preference for the laws and morals of a foreign country. Continue reading Anti-patriotism→
El 25 de septiembre de 1919 nace en Mesa (Francia) el anarquista, anarcosindicalista y resistente antifranquista Joaquim Querol Marzá, más conocido como Joaquín de Quiquet , Ximo Querol o Tío Ximo. Continue reading Biografía: Joaquim Querol Marzá→