Tag Archives: 1989





(reprinted from Insurrection, September 1989)

    Yet another rape. But today violence against a woman is more amusing if it takes place in a group: of at leas 14. This is what happened in a village in Sicily, Militello. A fifteen year old girl was raped by boys between 11 and 18 years old all looking for adventure. An adventure with a girl whose parents had just returned to Sicily after years of emigration.


Anarchists and Action


Anarchists are not slaves to number but continue to act against power even when the class clash is at a low level in the mass. Anarchist action should not therefore aim at organising and defending the whole of the class of the exploited in one vast organisation to see the struggle from beginning to end, but should identify single aspects of the struggle and carry them through to their conclusion of attack.
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per Horst Fantazzini


Horst Fantazzini, 1999


“…e nell’89 sono uscito per la prima licenza. Al momento il mio fine pena era il 2010 con… diciamo nell’89 avevo 21 anni scontati circa e altri 21 da scontare. Ho avuto la mia prima licenza, la prima volta sono rientrato, ho avuto la seconda, la seconda sono rientrato, e le cose, diciamo così, si stavano mettendo a posto, avevo richiesto il lavoro, per l’articolo 21… non l’articolo 21, la semilibertà proprio… queste cose qua. Però quando sono stato in licenza ho trovato dei compagni che erano in carcere con me all’epoca, durante il periodo delle lotte, e in questo periodo, quando ero fuori, erano in semilibertà – di giorno erano fuori, lavoravano, e la sera tornavano in carcere. E mi fecero un’impressione penosa, cioè pensai: “noi che abbiamo passato una vita a cercare di distruggere le carceri, di uscire dalle carceri, e ora suoniamo il campanello per entrare”. E ho avuto, come dire, questa crisi personale e ho deciso di non rientrare. Mi sembrava una contraddizione, dico: “vada come vada, questo, la scelta di essere io a diventare il mio carceriere, non la posso fare”. E non sono rientrato.”
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Anarchists and Action


Alfredo M. Bonanno

Anarchists are not slaves to number but continue to act against power even when the class clash is at a low level in the mass. Anarchist action should not therefore aim at organising and defending the whole of the class of the exploited in one vast organisation to see the struggle from beginning to end, but should identify single aspects of the struggle and carry them through to their conclusion of attack.
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Anarchists and Action


Alfredo M. Bonanno

Anarchists are not slaves to number but continue to act against power even when the class clash is at a low level in the mass. Anarchist action should not therefore aim at organising and defending the whole of the class of the exploited in one vast organisation to see the struggle from beginning to end, but should identify single aspects of the struggle and carry them through to their conclusion of attack.
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Women Martyrs of The Indian Revolution-Comrade Chinnakka


Martyrdom : 04-03-1989

Born in a poor peasant family in village Dulapuram of Venkatapuram Tehsil in Khammam district of Andhra Pradesh, Chinnakka was the first woman from the tribal community Koya (Dorla tribe) to join the guerrilla squad. In spite of labouring day and night in the fields, there was not enough to eat. So she worked along with her husband as a daily wage labourer. The non-tribal King residing in Wajed ruined the farmers of that region.
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Whither now? Some thoughts on creating anarchy


By Feral Faun
“Any society that you build will have its limits. And outside the limits of any society the unruly and heroic tramps will wander with their wild and virgin thoughts…planning ever new and dreadful outbursts of rebellion.”
–Renzo Novatore
I feel that there is no possible society in which I would fit, that whatever society was like, I would be a rebel. At times, this fills me with the joy of the “unruly and heroic tramps” of whom Renzo Navatore speaks, but often it leaves me feeling quite lonely and isolated.
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The Violence of Poverty



Yet another rape. But today violence against a woman is more amusing if it takes place in a group: of at least 14. This is what happened in a village in Militello, Sicily. A fifteen year old girl was raped by boys between 11 and 18 years old all looking for adventure. An adventure with a girl whose parents had just returned to Sicily after years of emigration.
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