Tag Archives: 2001

Notes on Summits and Counter-summits


The Illusion of a Center


Capitalism is a social relationship and not a citadel for the powerful. It is starting from this banality that one can confront the question of summits and counter-summits. Representing capitalist and state domination as a kind of general headquarters (it’s a question of the G8, the WTO or some other such organization) is useful to those who would like to oppose that managing center with another center: the political structures of the so-called movement, or better, their spokespeople. In short, it is useful to those who propose merely a change in management personnel.
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Social War By Other Means


Willful Disobedience

I believe it was Clausewitz who said that war was simply politics carried out by other means. I think that the reverse is a truer expression of social reality. Politics is simply the social war carried out using less bloody means. If we consider that it is always the ruling class and its lackeys who call for social peace, demanding that the exploited and excluded refrain from violence in dealing with their social condition, it becomes obvious that social peace is simply part of the strategy of the social war. For this reason, the peace movement must be rejected as a way of dealing with the current American call for war.
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A letter from anarchist Nikos Maziotis about his trial on appeal court (2001)


The appeal court in the 8th January 2001, where I’m on trial again for the bombing attempt against the ministry of Development -an action which I made to express solidarity with the residents of Strymonikos’ villages, who were fighting against the installation of a gold industry by the multinational TVX GOLD- became a military court with summary proceedings similar to those of the State Security Court in Turkey.
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Ponent, dÍa 29 – 06 – 2001

Hace poco más de un mes, me retuvieron unas revistas que me entraban en una comunicaciÓn. DespuÉs de reclamarlas y conseguir que me las diesen, ahora me llega una falta grave por amenazas, las cuales no son ciertas, de hecho el instructor, después de leer todo lo que en el parte se pone en boca de los propios carceleros, me dijo que eso no era ninguna amenaza e intentó que me lo quitaran y para ello me dijo que fue a hablar con el director y las personas implicadas, una de ellas el carcelero de comunicaciones que vino de La Roca y que creo que es del sindicato CATAC; el resultado es que el hombre, por lo visto, ha recibido presiones de que me lo meta igualmente. Hoy ha venido a hablar conmigo y me ha comentado los pasos que ha dado y el resultado, pero por lo visto su conciencia le remuerde y me ha dicho que estaba contra la espada y la pared y que no podía hacer nada, lo único que él no me pedía ninguna sanción porque no lo veía bien y que lo dejaba en manos de la junta de régimen; si tenemos en cuenta que en la junta de régimen está el Administrador y el Director, el resultado es fácil de adivinar, ¿noos parece?.
Continue reading EN PRISIÓN, SE NECESITA EL “ADN” DEL TELEVISOR [Amadeu Casellas]