Tag Archives: 2001

Some notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism


Insurrectionary anarchism is not an ideological solution to all social problems, a commodity on the capitalist market of ideologies and opinions, but an on-going praxis aimed at putting an end to the domination of the state and the continuance of capitalism, which requires analysis and discussion to advance.  We don’t look to some ideal society or offer an image of utopia for public consumption.  Throughout history, most anarchists, except those who believed that society would evolve to the point that it would leave the state behind, have been insurrectionary anarchists.
Continue reading Some notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism

ARGENTINA: A 12 años de la Revuelta: Acá nadie se rinde


“Te invitamos a salir, a demostrar con nosotros, organizadamente, la rabia, la impotencia… A convertirla en Movilizacion(…)(…)Porque mañana puedes ser tú o tu hijo…Levantate, Diiispierta, No esperes el ultimo momento…Organizate, el pueblo te espera,tus vecinos te esperan, la comunidad te espera…Aporta decididamente, como pueblo a esta lucha…”

Discurso de Luisa Toledo, madre de Rafael, Eduardo y Pablo Vergara, asesinados al enfrentar la dictadura de Pinochet.

Continue reading ARGENTINA: A 12 años de la Revuelta: Acá nadie se rinde



Albert Caraco



(parte prima)

Breviario del CAOS (parte prima)

Questo libro racconta il nostro mondo quale appare se osservato da uno sguardo di rapinosa, disperata lucidità, e lo fissa in brevi blocchi di prosa dal nitore classico, dove le frasi si allineano con naturalezza, simili alle pietre dei muri antichi. C’è in Caraco una violenza compressa, una furia che fa pensare a Céline e Cioran – e insieme la capacità di dare una forma perentoria, martellante, ultimativa alle visioni più azzardate, come già sa la tribù dei lettori di quel cupo gioiello che è Post mortem. Rare volte la peculiare convergenza di orrori e parodia che contraddistingue quanto ci sta intorno ha trovato un cronista altrettanto percettivo e tagliente.
Continue reading BREVIARIO DEL CAOS

Introduction to the 2001 Edition of the Italian Version of Max Stirner’s Der Einzige und sein Eigentum


I am not in solidarity with the men’s misery, but with the vigor with which they refuse to put up with it.–Andre Breton

   In books, each person finds what he or she seeks. No text demonstrates this better than Der Einzige und Sein Eigentum (translated into English as The Ego and Its Own, but more accurately, The Unique One and Its Property).
Continue reading Introduction to the 2001 Edition of the Italian Version of Max Stirner’s Der Einzige und sein Eigentum

Barry Horne Animal Liberationist


Letter from Barry – Hunger Strikes – Actions for Barry
Barry’s Funeral Barry Bio 1Barry Bio 2Barry Bio 3
Barry and About ALF – FraudLabour Lies – Veganism
Vivisection – Violence & AR

This site is dedicated to the memory of Barry Horne, an animal liberation activist who died in a UK prison hospital on November 5, 2001. He had been sentenced to 18 years in prison for various criminal damage and arson attacks mainly against companies involved in vivisection.

In prison he went on hunger strike several times in protest against government support for the vivisection industry, and their broken pre-election promises about animal experiments. The third of these hunger strikes lasted 68 days, and Barry never fully recovered.

His actions generated worldwide publicity, and initiated a huge upsurge in animal liberation activity, the effects of which are still being felt even today.

This site will include details of Barry’s life and achievements as an animal liberation activist as well as his imprisonment and subsequent hunger strike protests. If you have any contributions to make, please contact info@barryhorne.org

We will also mark the anniversary of Barry’s death on November 5th each year. Each anniversary of his death has been marked by actions all over the world, of which some will be listed here. Meanwhile please visit http://www.directaction.info/




By now, it is a matter of fact. The world is on the verge of being transformed into a single enormous supermarket. From San Francisco to Calcutta, from Rio de Janeiro to Moscow, we will all get in line to consume the same identical products of unnatural, gaudy appearance. That which forms an authentic wealth to safeguard for many—autonomy and difference—could be swept away forever by the imposition of an economic policy and the consequent social system. When we are presented with a single possibility while every alternative is kept from us by force, we cannot speak of freedom of choice in the face of an offer, but only of coerced obedience.
Continue reading GENOA IS EVERYWHERE

A letter from anarchist Nikos Maziotis about his trial on appeal court 10 January 2001


The appeal court in the 8th January 2001, where I’m on trial again for the bombing attempt against the ministry of Development -an action which I made to express solidarity with the residents of Strymonikos’ villages, who were fighting against the installation of a gold industry by the multinational TVX GOLD- became a military court with summary proceedings similar to those of the State Security Court in Turkey.
Continue reading A letter from anarchist Nikos Maziotis about his trial on appeal court 10 January 2001