Tag Archives: 2010

Sorvegliati? Una udienza, due appuntamenti e vecchi racconti


Dopo un paio di rinvii, è stata fissata per il prossimo 26 febbraio l’udienza durante la quale il Tribunale di Torino deciderà se sottoporre alla Sorveglianza speciale cinque degli arrestati del 3 giugno per l’inchiesta sulla resistenza agli sfratti.
Non è la prima volta, come ricorderete, che la Sorveglianza speciale viene richiesta contro dei compagni qui in città, e due dei redattori di //Macerie e storie di Torino// sono stati già sottoposti a questa misura di prevenzione cinque anni fa. Per loro la Sorveglianza durò poco più di due mesi giacché i giudici dell’appello stabilirono che i due non avessero ancora maturato abbastanza requisiti da meritarsela; e del resto in quelle settimane le iniziative di denuncia e le pratiche di resistenza che la
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[Chile] Compilado de comunicados del compañero Diego Ríos


Esto no es más que un mínimo gesto espontaneo de solidaridad con el compañero Diego Ríos tras enterarme de que había sido detenido por los despreciables lacayos del poder, con la intención de difundir las experiencias de quienes no acomodan sus cuestionamientos y acciones dentro de los parametros establecidos por las leyes de los poderosos y en forma de guiño cómplice para aquellxs que dan, o estan dando ese primer paso de arrojo en esta guerra social..
Unx individux cualquiera
desde un territorio cualquiera
controlado por un estado cualquiera.

8/02/2015 según el calendario que determina nuestros tiempos…

Descargar: Aca

Open letter on the revolutionary struggle – 2010/2011

Army Patrol, Northen Ireland. c. 1971.


Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis, Socrates Tzifkas, Dimitris Fessas


“This is why you my lads with the sword, the fire and the rage in the mouth I want you to come out naked in the cities, as the viper goes through the gardens of barley with its proud eyes furious as the lightnings streams through the youth.”

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Texts from Eric McDavid

eric blue flannel small(2)

From an Update on 7/19/07

A visualization from Eric:
the locomotive has made it’s way and passed over the summit. now, it’s momentum is kinetic as it crosses the valley below… throughout the journey, this train has been guided by rails woven of the love and support of family both large and small… not too far off in the distance, is the place where the mountains gave passage to the river on it’s way to the sea; this is the convergence point to which the rails lead. a sphere of crystalline light is tucked into those folds of green; therein, the image of the judge is reading off a piece of paper = the
verdict of not-guilty……..

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In The Belly of The Beast (2010-2013)


John Bowden

For the past 30 years John Bowden has been at the forefront of the British prison struggle, and is by far our most prolific prisoner writer. Time and again, John’s articles have shone a searchlight into the State’s murky dungeons, exposing brutality and repression, and challenging the very nature of prison. For many years now, John has been held in jail because of his political views and his willingness to challenge injustice. That has never been clearer than now, as the State attempts to use ‘secret evidence’ to keep him behind bars. Leeds ABC

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The ‘apology’ of Giannis Dimitrakis in his second degree trial for the bank robbery of January 2006 (2010)


Jacques Verges, in his book “The strategy of trial” says: “In any case, it is a fact that every trial hides a political conflict and that justice is steadily full armed to defend the status quo”. A view that reflects with high definition a reality that gets imprinted infinitely on the map of human societies that were organized on the basis of systems which had inequality, un-rightfulness, forcing and exploitation as fundamental elements of their function.
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R.O. December 6th: Communiqué for the bomb attack against the ministry of Press in January 2010


‘If keep your laws, the worse for you. The violence of the State legitimates the bloodiest of the reprisals and after the stifling voice of arms, you will hear another voice, even louder, the voice of dynamite…’

The armed struggle is one component of a multiform movement. It has its own space and time within the revolutionary history. It is an inevitable part of the struggle, not because the revolted human asks for it out of fetishism or whim, but because it will occur on his path as a result of a chain of incidents (political, social, and economical). In a power armed with uniformed killers, in a mechanism fortressed with jails-white cells, we draw a separative line between us and the enemy. As long as there will be laws that convict us, as long as you will keep burying alive our comrades, the more we will deepen the lines of armed conflict.
Continue reading R.O. December 6th: Communiqué for the bomb attack against the ministry of Press in January 2010

Sulla Federazione Anarchica Italiana (2010)



È del 16 dicembre scorso un comunicato della Commissione di
Corrispondenza della Federazione Anarchica Italiana in merito ai
fatti di Gradisca d’Isonzo e di Milano. Una nota molto rassomigliante
a quella diffusa il 28 dicembre 2003 subito dopo i fatti di Via
Gerusalemme a Bologna.
Ora, doversi ritrovare tra le mani questi
trafiletti degni delle penne migliori del Giornale o del Resto del
Carlino lascia davvero l’amaro in bocca, quando non monta il prurito
alle mani. Che dei “compagni” siano così dediti alla
delazione e all’infamia, quali che siano le proprie pratiche e i
propri pensieri, da far invidia a scribacchini e questurini è
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Open letter on the revolutionary struggle (2010/2011)

Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis, Socrates Tzifkas, Dimitris Fessas


“This is why you my lads with the sword, the fire and the rage in the mouth I want you to come out naked in the cities, as the viper goes through the gardens of barley with its proud eyes furious as the lightnings streams through the youth.”


A refusal to surrender and an all in for freedom…

A arson is carried out on a vehicle of DEI (national electrical company) in the center of Thessaloniki where is arrested our brother and revolutionary anarchist Giannis Skouloudis. And are published based on testimonies of cops, 4 arrest warrants for us.

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