Tag Archives: 2012

Sobre la apología de la violencia – es/it

por Algunos afines de la Internacional Negra

Y sobre la labor de propaganda y difusión de las páginas webs y blogs anarquistas y revolucionarios.

Hoy es muy común leer en publicaciones digitales en internet, que hablan de “comunismo” y “teoría crítica”, visiones bastante pusilánimes sobre la violencia revolucionaria. Estamos hablando de sitios web y blogs –políticamente correctos- donde incluso deliran con la dictadura del proletariado y hasta el terror rojo (¡al mismo tiempo que reivindican la Anarquía!), pero toman con pinzas la violencia minoritaria, o los desbordes espontáneos, justificándose con cien piruetas teóricas al defender actos de violencia concreta, para de inmediato aclarar que ellos no hacen la apología de la violencia o están lejos de la autoafirmación de los compañeros insurreccionalistas, que llaman al ataque aquí y ahora, “irresponsablemente”, y muchos etcéteras más. En general, que se afirme eso en páginas que posan de radicales, pero emanan un tufillo de sectas eurocentristas (seudocomunistas de izquierda), o de burguesitos y universitarios “radicalizados”, pero mierda buena onda al fin y al cabo, da lo mismo. Pero como no condenan abiertamente la violencia revolucionaria (a veces si lo hacen, eso si), terminan confundiendo a compañeros que también toman la violencia con pinzas y con mil justificaciones, ¡para justificarla!

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Political statement of the anarchist Rami Syrianos on his trial – 2012


The text below is a political statement made by the anarchist Rami Syrianos during his trial on May 2012, for the expropriation of ODDY (a state structure responsible for organizing auctions of confiscated cars) on January 2011 in Thessaloniki. Τhe statement first appeared in the “Demolish the Bastille” zine (December 2012), published by the Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted fighters. The comrade was condemned to 8 years and 8 motnhs, a penalty that he serves actually in the prison of Larisa.
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Continuo de represión y lucha durante los últimos años (Septiembre 2014 #1)


o represivo, nuestras palabras y convicciones antiautoritarias no se deshacen o diluyen camufladas. Por el contrario, éstas se elevan guiando nuestro caminar.
Se trata entonces de no dar pasos hacia atrás, cediendo terreno al enemigo, a lxs poderosxs de cualquier uniforme u oficio, se trata de no invisibilizar o normalizar las jugadas que emanan de la represión, pero tampoco caer en la histeria que propicia el desbande y alimenta el miedo.
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Processo Geovalsusa, secondo il pm i No Tav fanno spionaggio!


Stamattina si è svolta l’ennesima udienza del processo che vede coinvolti circa una ventina di No Tav per i fatti accaduti il 24 agosto 2012.

Dopo l’udienza del 28 novembre in cui il pm Pedrotta ha chiaramente intimidito i testi della difesa, tra cui il giornalista marchigiano Davide Falcioni, quest’oggi la maxi aula 3 del Tribunale di Torino ha visto riproporre gli stessi atteggiamenti nei confronti degli imputati che hanno deciso di sottoporsi all’esame delle parti.

Non contrastata dai giudici che ne hanno ben tollerato i modi, per diverse ore la pm ha impedito agli imputati di descrivere con tranquillità le dinamiche dell’iniziativa informativa presso la Geolvasusa.
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Anti-System Cores For Mass Struggle and Subversion


Part one

“If you will not free yourself from the ropes that bind you while you are alive, do you think that ghosts will do it after?” Kabir

At this point, no one is innocent and all have made their choice. There is not one person who is not having to take sides. People are testing each other, testing society, testing how far they can go. Flexing their muscles, so to speak, before the clash. You can see it in the slight tilt of the lips as someone blames the immigrants or the Muslims in a roomful of strangers. Who will react?
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Considerations on Nihilism (Guerre au Paradis)


We would have preferred not to feel the need to write these lines. We would rather speak of love, of freedom and fresh water, leaving aside the negative, at least for a moment. However: a spectre haunts the revolutionary tension, the spectre of nihilism.

Not the “classical” nihilism, represented by Nechaev and his like of the 19th century. Though maybe we can detect similarities, see a continuity between the old and the new manifestations of this attitude.
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en/es – Letter of Marco Camenisch about Operation Ardire (Switzerland) 2012


Note from ABC Berlin: Anarchist Marco Camenisch, imprisoned in Switzerland, has drafted a first letter regarding the “operation boldness” (operazione ardire).

He is one of the accused in this frenzied construct against anarchists in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Greece. Here follows a translation of Marco’s words (we gave it our best shot):

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