En el episodio de hoy nos visitan las cofrades Barbagris, Morgan y la nieta de Anne Boone para informarnos de un nuevo proyecto enfocado a compartir recursos, herramientas, y tejer redes en torno a la navegación libre a vela, y la náutica libertaria, el cual, se estará presentando en sociedad este próximo fin de semana.
Continue reading Fuck the Bastards 7 Diciembre 2015
Tag Archives: 2015
SRB v roce 2015
Vyšla nová publikace se souhrnem komuniké SRB z roku 2015. Stahuj a sdílej.
Síť revolučních buněk (cs) kontra-informační web Síť revolučních buněk
Bello come una prigione che brucia: il podcast del 21 dicembre 2015
Il carcere, comunemente immaginato come edificio, tende progressivamente a diventare un dispositivo in grado di sovrapporsi ed estendersi ad altri pezzi di territorio. L’imposizione di confini e il geoposizionamento sono tra le strategie utilizzate per ripordurre funzioni tipiche della prigione architettonica in altri contesti, dall’ambito sanzionatorio a quello preventivo, fino all’ottimizzazione della produttività dell’individuo sottoposto a controllo.
Continue reading Bello come una prigione che brucia: il podcast del 21 dicembre 2015
Trento – Resoconto e spunti dall’iniziativa “Voci Oltre le Mura” con i compagni greci prigionieri
Resoconto e spunti a partire dal dibattito del 13 dicembre a Trento con i compagni greci
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UK: Upton Anti-Fracking Camp Eviction in Progress!
12th January 2016 – bailiffs and police have moved in at Upton Community Protection camp, in Cheshire.
The anti-fracking community there has been going strong for a long time now and is at the forefront of community resistance to this national threat. Get along to help if you can, and support people to keep resisting at least until Saturday, when there’s a national day of action there already set.
Updates at https://twitter.com/earthfirst_uk and how to get to the camp here.
[EF! Newswire Editor’s Note: See a previous post on the camp’s eviction defenses. For more info on this eviction, see the recent article from The Guardian.]
Rote Flora in Solidarität mit der Rigaer94
Soeben erreichte uns die Nachricht, dass die Bullen die Rigaer94 angegriffen und gestürmt haben. Dieses Vorgehen ist der vorläufige Höhepunkt der seit Wochen andauernden Provokationen im Kontext des Gefahrengebietes. Dieses Konstrukt erlaubt ihnen verdachtsunabhängig jede Person zu kontrollieren und zu schikanieren, ohne sich an die selbst gesetzten Spielregeln des sogenannten Rechtsstaates zu halten.
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Internationalist fighters in Rojava call on youth to join Bakur’s resistance
internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ in Rojava have saluted the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan, and called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.
Internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ (People’s/Women’s Defense Units) have released a statement saluting the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan. Revolutionaries called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.
Continue reading Internationalist fighters in Rojava call on youth to join Bakur’s resistance
Para los rebeldes, insurreccionistas y hacktivistas de todas partes.
De Sean Swain
Estoy enterrado a diez mil millas en un cementerio, pero todavía sigo peleando con todo lo que tengo. Le di al estado un ultimátum: restablecer mis comunicaciones o me niego a la medicación para la presión arterial – lo que me conducirá a un ataque al corazón, accidente cerebrovascular, o a un aneurisma. El estado no se ha movido y yo tampoco, ahora estoy sin tomar medicinas y con un aumento en la presión arterial. Si muero espero que toda la gente que lea estas líneas se sienta tan responsable como yo.
Continue reading Para los rebeldes, insurreccionistas y hacktivistas de todas partes.
News from the european borders #13
Reposted from Border News. Check that site for weekly updates and summaries from the flashpoints of “Fortress Europe”.
PS: Once again, Fuck Syriza and all their cheerleaders. This is what the promises of a left wing government amount to.
Continue reading News from the european borders #13