Tag Archives: 2015

Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Reportback from New Year’s Eve Noise Demo


“Combative memory defines us as individuals taking a stand in our negation of the existent, forces us to push the memory of our fallen comrades beyond reflecting on how they were snatched from us, bringing them into our everyday lives in many forms and individual initiatives without giving in to resignation in the face of death or to oblivion. To bring new life to their insurgent lives, through actions, also to remind those who took their lives that the comrades live in each one of us and that we will always despise the role of those who chose to become defenders of the present system of dominion.”
– Nataly Casanova
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Against Democracy


Coordination of Anarchist Groups


The bound pile of pages you hold in your hands is a small contribution from the United Anarchist Groups to the fight against democracy, which is the most widespread contemporary form of political domination (as the primary and most sophisticated expression of the State), constituting an authoritarian, buck-passing, submissive mentality, and the ideal legal framework for the development of the capitalist economy, which is the source of exploitation and poverty.

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La Prisión Electrónica, Sin Muros Sin, Barrotes, Pero La Misma Dominación


¡El mundo es una inmensa cárcel! Sin contar los campos de “refugiados” cerrados donde no se puede salir, o los centros de “reeducación” de niños, jóvenes o adultos, sin contar los presos extrajudiciales, sin contar esclavos ni las víctimas de organizaciones de proxenetismo… sin contar los CIE ‘s… en el mundo hay más de 11 millones de personas encarceladas, si fuera posible contabilizar la totalidad, ¿cuántos serían?
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Pioggia di diserbanti su Gaza, Israele conferma «operazione di sicurezza»


Nei giorni scorsi aerei israeliani hanno irrorato con gli erbicidi almeno 150 ettari di terreni fertili palestinesi, distruggendo le coltivazioni di centinaia di famiglie. Si temono rischi per la salute della popolazione. ONU: nel 2015 sono morti in scontri e attacchi 170 palestinesi e 27 israeliani.

Trento, mazzate contro le vetrine di Adecco e Unicredit. Per un dicembre nero.


Trento: Apprendiamo che nella notte del 31/12  sono state attaccate a colpi di mazza  le vetrine dell’agenzia di lavoro interinale Adecco, in via Gocciadoro e della filiale Unicredit della vicina via Sant’Antonio. Nel caso della banca, poi, è stato messo fuori uso anche l’apparecchio bancomat. Lasciata la scritta “Guerra ai ricchi- Dicembre Nero (A)”

Defend the Hambach Forest!


A new year has begun, but the grubbing season is not over yet, alas! Until the end of February, RWE is allowed to deforest, thanks to loyal politicians! And their plans lead them also in “our” part of the forest! Two pumping stations and a test drill station are to be built in places where anyone who ever visited the Hambach Forest, certainly went there.
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