Tag Archives: A.M. Bonanno

Jornadas Informales Anárquicas 2013


Jornadas Informales Anárquicas 2013
Simposio Internacional
Ciclo de Conferencias y Debates con los compañeros:

Alfredo Maria Bonanno.

Constantino Cavalleri.

Gustavo Rodríguez.

Wolfi Landstreicher.

27-28 y 29 de Diciembre 2013.

México D.F.

Mesas Informativas.


Proyección de Documentales.

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“Fin de crises”, Alfredo M. Bonanno


Le capitalisme actuel a changé l’ensemble de la réalité économique. Le vieux monde régi par les lois et les règles rigides où les entreprises individuelles étaient en mesure de faire des projets à long terme s’est transformé en un capitalisme qui est tout à fait dépourvu de règles ou de lois prédéterminées, où pour survivre les entreprises doivent développer la flexibilité et l’adaptabilité à un degré maximum.
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A.M. Bonanno

Present-day capitalism has changed the whole of economic reality. The old world regulated by laws and rigid rules where individual firms were able to make long-term programmes, has changed into one that is quite devoid of rules or laws, where in order to survive companies must develop their flexibility and adaptability to a maximum degree. Revolutionary structures, including anarchist ones, were also once modelled along the idea of a rigid economic reality.
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Authority and Civilization


Within the greater anti-civilization milieu, two major factions have been vocally distinguishing their approaches from one another: the anarcho-primitivists and the Deep Green Resistance movement. Occasionally this effort towards differentiation has been based on honest disagreement about theory and practice. More commonly, it has been a tit-for-tat based mostly on personality conflict. During the brief period of its existence the Internet has often proved to be a safe haven for mean-spirited personal attacks. Insofar as concerns are raised about the actions of certain public persons in a critical spirit, they can contribute to a critical discourse. This is my intention, not to sling mud simply for cursory amusement.

Anarchists have voiced a number of legitimate criticisms of the Deep Green Resistance crowd. Among these are the cult of personality and careerist methods of Derrick Jensen and the anti-trans prejudice and cop-calling of Lierre Keith. Other potentially problematic aspects of Deep Green Resistance are not necessarily so obvious and are in need of careful critical inspection. For their part the DGR have called into question several aspects of anarchist thought and practice. But how salient are these criticisms? Are they based in honest disagreements on theoretical and tactical differences?
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