Tag Archives: Anarchy Magazine

Whither now? Some thoughts on creating anarchy


By Feral Faun
“Any society that you build will have its limits. And outside the limits of any society the unruly and heroic tramps will wander with their wild and virgin thoughts…planning ever new and dreadful outbursts of rebellion.”
–Renzo Novatore
I feel that there is no possible society in which I would fit, that whatever society was like, I would be a rebel. At times, this fills me with the joy of the “unruly and heroic tramps” of whom Renzo Navatore speaks, but often it leaves me feeling quite lonely and isolated.
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L’essentialisme et le problème des politiques d’identité – Lawrence Jarach

L’essentialisme et le problème des politiques d’identité – Lawrence Jarach

Le problème n’est pas pour nous de reconnaître l’existence de catégories sociologiques plus ou moins distinctes, ni même d’en faire le point de départ d’une lutte, bien que nous soyons perplexes à ce sujet. Le problème est bien d’en faire le point d’arrivée, là où selon nous la perspective devrait être l’annihilation de ces catégories séparatistes et rôles sociaux.
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Social transformation- or the abolition of society


by Feral Faun

“Society…1. a group of persons who have the same customs, beliefs, etc. or live under a common government and who are thought of as forming a single community… 3. all people, when thought of as forming a community in which each person is partly dependent on all the rest” Webster’s New World Dictionary
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You Can’t Blow up a Social Relationship… But you can have fun trying!


Bob Black


In 1979, four Australian anarchist and “libertarian socialist” organizations published a tract called You Can’t Blow Up a Social Relationship, presumptuously subtitled “The Anarchist Case Against Terrorism” — as if theirs was the only case against it and there was no case for it. The pamphlet has been reprinted and distributed by North American anarchist groups, usually workerists, and by default appears to enjoy some currency as a credible critique of terrorism canonical for anarchists.
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La verdad sobre la vida primitiva. Una crítica al anarcoprimitivismo


1. Así como la Revolución Industrial sucedió, la sociedad moderna creó para sí un mito auto-condecorativo, el mito del “progreso”: Desde la era de nuestros remotos simios antecesores, la historia humana ha seguido su incesable rumbo hacia un futuro mejor y más brillante, siendo alegremente bienvenidos por todos cada avance tecnológico que surgía: la ganadería, la agricultura, la rueda, la construcción de ciudades, la invención de la escritura y el dinero, los buques de pesca, la brújula, la pólvora, la imprenta, la máquina de vapor, y, al fin, el mayor logro humano, ¡La sociedad indutrial moderna! Antes de la industrialización, prácticamente todo el mundo estaba condenado a una vida invariable, trabajos durísimos, enfermar de desnutrición, y una esperanza de vida reducida. ¿Acaso no somos muy afortunados por vivir en estos tiempos modernos que nos brindan montones de ratos de ocio y un tropel de comodidades tecnológicas para hacer nuestras vidas más fáciles?
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The Cybernet of Domination


by Feral Faun

(Author’s note: This article is more speculative than I ideally would have liked, because it is attempting to trace the tendencies inherent in one aspect of modem society, tendencies which, of course, are in relationship to other aspects of this society. This should not be read as prediction, but as an attempt to show why cybernetics is not even potentially liberating and will ultimately be opposed by insurgent free spirits.)
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Some Not Completely Aimless Meanderings


from “The Iconoclast’s Hammer”
column in Anarchy Magazine

by Feral Faun

It’s time to think about writing another column. There are a lot of topics worth examining–topics to which I have given a lot of thought and which are fundamental to understanding and opposing authority. But I have no desire to put energy into examining these topics right now.
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Futurist AtTACK (Anti-Tech Anti-Civ Kooks) Manifestoes


Feral Faun

Futurist AtTACK is an ironic yet sincere non-organization of the schiz-fluctuations of many me’s. Like the Futurists, we launch an attack on the past, but, recognizing the limits of their attack, we steal their name not to honor them–they too are dead weight from the past and always were–but in ironic mockery of their limited attack, and also to distinguish ourselves from the misty-eyed, nostalgic primitivist anti-tech, anti-civ kooks who long for a return to some imagined golden age of the past rather than striving to become creators of new and as yet unimagined galaxies of living….
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