Tag Archives: Antifa

The Struggle Against Fascism in Russia


This week we speak with Ukrop, an anarchist, antifascist activist, and maker of the documentaries “Antifascist Attitude” & “Actions vs. Repressions”. This is part 1 of a two part interview, in which they talk about the history and context of Nazi influence in formerly-Soviet Russia and the rise of radical anti-fascism. Ukrop also discusses how the internet effected punk and anarchist subculture in Russia in the 1990′s and the first decade of the 21st century. In the conversation we cover overlaps between police and prisons and nazi’s as well as how the education system in that country feeds into nationalism and capitalism.
Continue reading The Struggle Against Fascism in Russia

Ρεσάλτο : Φαρμακονήσι -ο κρατικός φασισμός σε επιτάχυνση, Παρασκευή 07/02, 8.00 μμ, στο Ρεσάλτο


Η αιματηρή αντιμεταναστευτική πολιτική, από τις επιχειρήσεις σκούπα του “Ξένιου Δία” και τα στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης μεταναστών μέχρι τη δολοφονική θωράκιση των συνόρων.
Προβολή βίντεο-συζήτηση.

Αναδημοσίευση από : anarxiko-resalto.blogspot.com




Paolo Schicchi


Un prete gallico, di cui non ricordo più il nome, storiografo ufficiale della corte borbonica in Francia durante la Restaurazione, scrisse una storia del regno dei Borboni ad usum Delphini. In essa il cherchiuto scribacchino colla più grande disinvoltura di questo mondo saltava a pie’ pari la Rivoluzione francese, senza farne neanche cenno; e di Napoleone Bonaparte parlava di sfuggita, come d’un ignoto generale che avesse vinto alcune battaglie stando al servizio del re di Francia.
Continue reading Ammazzateli!

„Wir trauern nicht“, Naziaufmarsch am 8. März 2014 in Dessau verhindern


Am 8.März die­ses Jah­res wol­len die „Frei­nen Na­ti­na­lis­ten Des­sau“ wie­der ihren jähr­li­chen Trau­er­marsch durch Des­sau ver­an­stal­ten. Dabei wer­den sie so­wohl von der NPD, als auch von re­gio­na­len und über­re­gio­na­len so­ge­nann­ten „Frei­en Kam­merad­schaf­ten“ un­ter­stützt.
Sie wol­len der „Opfer“ des al­li­ier­ten Bom­ben­an­griffs auf Des­sau am 7. März 1945 ge­den­ken, und somit wie­der ein­mal den Op­fer­my­thos ver­klä­ren und die Ge­schich­te re­ve­s­io­nie­ren.
Continue reading „Wir trauern nicht“, Naziaufmarsch am 8. März 2014 in Dessau verhindern