Tag Archives: belarus



Several weeks ago a member of anarchist organisation AST Dmitrij M.was beaten in Kyiv by two anarchists from Belarus, one of them Aliaksandr Frantskevich. As representatives of the anarchist movement of Belarus and as those who actively supported Aliaksandr Frantskevich during his imprisonment we believe it is important to voice our opinion on what happened.

As far as we know after the 1 May demo in Kyiv an active discussions about the demo started online. Later discussions resulted in insults from both sides. The behaviour of both sides of the conflict was far from being constructive; it consisted of constant attempts to offend each other. We have to note that from the very beginning Aliaksandr Frantskevich made extremely impolite (offending) comments towards the participants of Kyiv Mayday demo.

Xerrada sobre la repressió política a Bielorússia i sopador vegà


per Assemblea Llibertària L’Oca de Gràcia

D’ençà l’ascens al poder d’Aleksandr Lukaxenka el 1994, Bielorússia ha estat sotmès a un règim autoritari que molts analistes han definit com “l’última dictadura d’Europa”, amb una repressió brutal contra tota forma d’oposició al seu govern. Un dels col·lectius que més ha patit l’onada repressiva de l’Estat bielorús ha estat el moviment anarquista, que en la seva curta història ha plantat cara al règim dictatorial del president.

Dues companyes anarquistes de Minsk ens explicaran la situació política general de Bielorússia, així com la repressió de Lukasxenka sobre l’oposició i, en especial, contra el moviment anarquista.

Per a més informació:

(Web de la Creu Negra Anarquista Bielorussa)

Hi haurà sopador vegà. Els beneficis aniran destinats a l’autogestió de projectes llibertaris.

Dimarts 16 de juny a les 19h
Ateneu La Rosa de Foc, c/Robí, 5 (Metro L3 Fontana)


Belarusian prisoners’ news. May 2015.


On the 3rd of June Bogdan Roman will take part in pre-trial hearing concerning fight with right-wing hooligans. He is entered case under art. 339 part 3. It means group hooliganism with weapons caused injures which shall be punished by restraint of freedom from three to five years or imprisonment from three to ten years. Moreover he is entered case under art. 147 part 2. It means bodily harm made by group which shall be punished by imprisonment from five to fifteen years.
Continue reading Belarusian prisoners’ news. May 2015.


:PARTiYA | DESTROYERS::: [2 bands!]: 05.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Belarus, Brest 06.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Lublin / Rzeszow 08.09.2015 [???] Romania, Cluj Napoca 09.09.2015 Romania, Bucharest, tba 10.09.2015 [???] Romania, Timisoara 11.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Slovakia / Hungary / Austria 12.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Nurnberg :::PARTiYA | DESTROYERS | HUMAN COMPOST::: [3 bands!]: 13.09.2015 Germany, Giessen, «AK47» squat 14.09.2015 Germany, Dresden, «Chemiefabrik» 15.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Wroclaw 16.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Warsaw 17.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Lithuania, Vilnius 18.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Belarus, Grodno 19.09.2015 Belarus, Minsk, tba :::HUMAN COMPOST::: [1 band!]: 20.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Krakow 21.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Czech rep., Prague 22.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Munchen 23.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Switzerland, Geneva !!!05-12.09.2015 we are 9 people from PARTiYA + DESTROYERS (2 bands) and driver. !!!13-19.09.2015 we are 14 people from PARTiYA + DESTROYERS + HUMAN COMPOST We would like to get some money as we need to pay for roads and petrol and we need some food, drinks and sleeping places. Send your answers on the e-mails: okpunkrock@gmail.com – Mysh | PARTiYA tankerpunx@hotmail.com – Steph | HUMAN COMPOST Please, repost this message to friends who can help us. Greetings and thanks in advance! Hope to see you soon! PARTiYA | DESTROYERS | HUMAN COMPOST
DESTROYERS – punk-hardcore from Belarus: www.destroyersminsk.bandcamp.com/album/fuckem-all-2013
HUMAN COMPOST – metal crust punk from France: www.humancompost.free.fr www.humancompostcrust.bandcamp.com

Report on repressions, January-March 2015


We are proceeding with reports on repressions against anarchists and libertarian activists, as the authorities continue jailing and haunting our comrades. In this issue we have lots of “extremism”: a case against a pregnant anarchist woman accused of  “propaganding hatred”, criminal prosecution of an antifascist, beaten by nazis, for a Swastika, a ban of a research-based book on Nazism. We will tell you about a hunger strike and refuse of collaboration of Alexey Sutuga, refuses of courts to grant parole to “Bolotnoe Case” prisoners, new criminal case for “praising terrorism” against Ilya Romanov and unclear citizenship of Alexander Kolchenko. If you think that we have missed something in this article, or you know about other cases of repressions, please write us to abc-msk << riseup.net.
Continue reading Report on repressions, January-March 2015

Mikalai Dziadok: “I want to be last convict under Article 411 of Criminal Code” 15


The political prisoner demands to annul Article 411 of the Criminal Code.

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” published an open letter by political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok, who draws attention to the gross violations of the rights of those held in prisons, disadvantages and throw-backs of “correctional” institutions, as well as unfair punishment under Article 411 of the Criminal Code:
Continue reading Mikalai Dziadok: “I want to be last convict under Article 411 of Criminal Code” 15