Tag Archives: CCF

Athens: Update on Evi Statiri’s struggle (en/es)


According to our latest information, Evi Statiri suspended hunger strike on October 2nd 2015, when the competent judicial council decided to grant her a conditional release from preventive detention. In the coming period she is expected to file a motion for the lifting of restrictive conditions imposed on her, which include the following: ban on exiting the country; obligation to report to her nearest police station 3 times a month; prohibition on communicating or meeting with her husband (CCF imprisoned member Gerasimos Tsakalos) and any other of her co-accused; obligation to reside only in the home she has declared as permanent residence; and ban on moving outside a perimeter of 1 kilometer around her home.


Atenas: Acerca de las medidas restrictivas contra Evi Statiri

Las medidas restrictivas contra Evi Statiri, hasta donde se sabe, son las siguientes:

– Prohibición de salir del ámbito territorial del Estado griego.

– Presentarse ante las autoridades 3 veces al mes.

– Residencia obligatoria en un lugar determinado.

– Límite de circulación de un kilómetro a la redonda de su domicilio.

– Prohibición de comunicarse con acusadxs en el mismo caso, ni con su compañero sentimental, Gerasimos Tsakalos.

Actualizaciones conforme vengan.


Grecia: libertà per Evi Statiri


Arrestata nel marzo scorso per il semplice fatto di essere la compagna di un membro della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco, Evi Statiri ha cominciato il 14 settembre 2015 uno sciopero della fame per ottenere la propria liberazione. In condizioni di salute estremamente preoccupanti, è stata infine scarcerata il 2 ottobre 2015, benché ancora sottoposta a forti restrizione. Ci siamo fatti illustrare i contorni di questa vicenda da una compagna che vive ad Atene.
Continue reading Grecia: libertà per Evi Statiri

Atenas: Actualización sobre la situación de Evi Statiri


Ayer, 2 de octubre del 2015, Evi Statiri finalizó su huelga de hambre, tras la aprobación de su solicitud de excarcelación.

Sigue ingresada en el hospital Geniko Kratiko de Nikaia, pero ahora se encuentra en un módulo normal y no para presxs. Se espera que le den el alta el lunes, aunque todo depende de su estado de salud.
Continue reading Atenas: Actualización sobre la situación de Evi Statiri

Atenas: ¡Evi Statiri libre!


Según informan lxs Familiares-Amigxs de Presxs y Luchadorxs Perseguidxs, hoy, 2 de octubre, se ha decidido la excarcelación de Evi Statiri, aunque con graves medidas restrictivas. Actualizaciones conforme vengan.


Athens: Evi Statiri to be released from prison!

According to an update we received from the ‘Relatives–Friends of prisoners and prosecuted fighters’, Evi Statiri (currently hospitalised) is soon to be released from prison, though with the provision of the strictest restrictive conditions.

More info as it comes.

Greece: Message from Evi Statiri on day 18 of her hunger strike


The hours in the room of the hospital where I am imprisoned pass slowly and I feel my body growing wearier day by day…more so as I hear the results of medical examinations that are continuously getting worse.

Yesterday afternoon for 2 hours this declining course of my body stopped, when all the comrades who were gathered under my window filled me with strength.
Continue reading Greece: Message from Evi Statiri on day 18 of her hunger strike

Koridallos underground prison cells: Protest in solidarity with hunger striker Evi Statiri (en/gr)


As of today, September 30th 2015, we participate in the mobilisation of prisoners throughout Greece (at the prisons of Trikala, Domokos, Grevena, and the women’s and men’s prisons of Koridallos in Athens) for the immediate RELEASE of Evi Statiri, wife of political prisoner-member of the Cells of Fire Gerasimos Tsakalos.
Continue reading Koridallos underground prison cells: Protest in solidarity with hunger striker Evi Statiri (en/gr)

Συνέλευση Αλληλεγγύης στην Εύη Στατήρη : Τετάρτη 30/09, 18:00 – Συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης στο Γενικό Κρατικό Νίκαιας


Η Συνέλευση Αλληλεγγύης στην Εύη Στατήρη, καλεί την Τετάρτη 30 Σεπτέμβρη συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης στο Γενικό Κρατικό Νίκαιας σε ένδειξη αλληλεγγύης στην απεργό πείνας (από 14/9), η οποία μεταφέρθηκε στο νοσοκομείο στις 27 Σεπτεμβρίου. Η συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης είναι στις 18:00.

Για πρόσβαση στο νοσοκομείο, το οποίο είναι στην Ικονίου 150, Νίκαια, Τ.Κ. 184 53 το παρακάτω λινκ:


Grecia:Evi Statiri ricoverata in ospedale


Domenica 27 settembre 2015, Evi Statiri, al 14° giorno di sciopero della fame e stata condotta dal carcere di Koridallos in ospedale visto il peggioramento generale delle sue condizioni di salute(grave ipoglicemia, tachicardia, palpitazioni ed ulteriori sintomi),sinora ha perso l’11% del peso corporeo iniziale. Si trova ora al General State Hospital di Nikaia al Pireo, dove nella giornata di oggi è previsto un presidio solidale.
Continue reading Grecia:Evi Statiri ricoverata in ospedale



Tomado de ActForFreedomNow!, traducido PorLaAnarquía.

El domingo por la mañana a las 2:00 am me llevaron al hospital de la prisión debido a un shock hipoglucémico. Los médicos no diagnosticaron que fuese necesario que me trasladaran a un hospital externo. Regresé a la cárcel y más tarde el domingo por la mañana, después de

una visita de los médicos Sakka y Kosmopoulou, los médicos de la prisión solicitaron mi traslado urgente a un hospital externo. Esa tarde me llevaron al Hospital General Nikaia. Al llegar rechacé cualquier suero aparte del salino ya que los médicos estaban preocupados porque me <span

Greek prisons: CCF member Gerasimos Tsakalos has been on hunger strike since 14/9, in solidarity with the struggle of Evi Statiri

‘For, if we don’t die for each other, we are already dead’
[verse adapted from a poem by Tasos Livaditis]

On Tuesday, September 29th, it became known that anarchist prisoner Gerasimos Tsakalos has undertaken a hunger strike since September 14th 2015, standing by the side of his life companion Evi Statiri from the very first moment she initiated her hunger strike. For reasons of his own, Gerasimos chose not to publicise this fact earlier. It must be reminded that his body has not had time to fully recover from the exhaustive hunger strike that he recently carried out along with the rest of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire imprisoned members and anarchist captive Angeliki Spyropoulou.
Continue reading Greek prisons: CCF member Gerasimos Tsakalos has been on hunger strike since 14/9, in solidarity with the struggle of Evi Statiri