Tag Archives: communique

Greece: Angeliki Spyropoulou – With No Trace of Remorse (en/es)


This experience is the starter of the development on both a political and a personal level. Imprisonment is an almost inevitable experience for anyone who has decided to join the armed struggle. But the question, as in every experience, is whether and how to take advantage of it.

The birth of the prison has always been built upon cultivation and perpetuation of validation of submission of those who do not conform to the predefined standards of society. However, there are some people whose desire for freedom burns their hearts in a way that does not allow them to accept the role imposed on them as part of the prison automation, even for a single moment during their imprisonment. When it comes to these people, prison fails miserably in its purpose, and despite the walls and bars that stand around them capturing their bodies, they themselves remain rebellious and actually free. Neither souls nor spirits fit in cages.
Continue reading Greece: Angeliki Spyropoulou – With No Trace of Remorse (en/es)

[Estado Español] Sabotajes a cajeros automáticos en Barcelona


En las primeras horas del 31 de marzo fueron saboteados dos cajeros automaticos, uno de banco santander en la Avenida Mare de Deu de Monserrat, en el barrio La Salut y otro de Caixa Catalunya en la calle Concepcion Arenal, en la zona de La Sagrera. Las pantallas fueron destruidas a golpe de martillo, el hecho de usar un pequeño martillo rompecristales como los que hay dentro de los autobuses y trenes, tambien llamados martillos de seguridad permite sabotear varios cajeros de forma discreta , rapida y silenciosa ya que un solo golpe es suficiente para destruir la pantalla.
Continue reading [Estado Español] Sabotajes a cajeros automáticos en Barcelona

Athens: Responsibility claim for the arson attack of a diplomatic vehicle In the early hours of Tuesday March 29th.


Athens: Responsibility claim for the arson of a diplomatic vehicle
In the early hours of Tuesday March 29th, in the neighbourhood of
Pagrati on Nikosthenous road we torched a diplomatic car with license
plate DS 66-8.  The vehicle was completely destroyed and out act was
completely hidden by the cops media.

This act is a minimal respond to the convictions of our comrades, Nikos
Maziotis, Adonis Staboulos and Giorgos Petrakakos, from the special
court of Koridallos. The exterminating sentences imposed on them have a
double purpose, on one side breaking the fighting morale of our comrades
and on the other to terrorize parts of the movement who act or think of
acting outside the framework of bourgeois legality.

In the current juncture where parts of the movement defend their
structures with all means against the “legal” and “illegal” capital, the
initial intentions of the regime have already fallen on deaf ears. We
continue and organize in unions, solidarity structures, collectives,
direct action groups for the defending of the interests of our class.




Indomitable Marxists

p.s. Concerning the material damage caused to the two cars which were
parked in front and behind the diplomatic vehicle, we clarify that
something like this was never our intention.

Translated by Act for freedom now!


Alejandro Peña y Gonzalo Yussef tras la sentencia contra Francisco y Monica


“Aquí en Chile perseguimos delitos reales y nunca hicimos un montaje”, una campaña comunicacional que intentó ridiculizar nuestra investigación”, en España, la pareja de anarquistas atentó contra templos religiosos, y en la acusación en Chile había blancos similares.”

(Alejandro Peña, el ex fiscal quien llevo el Caso Bombas)
Continue reading Alejandro Peña y Gonzalo Yussef tras la sentencia contra Francisco y Monica

Lesvos: Incendiary call to action against Frontex and all parts of the European deportation machinery (Greece)



Today, on the island of Lesvos, Greece, where the weather is at its best day since 2016, the deportation machine to send refugees back to Turkey has started. This morning a ferry left to Turkey with a couple of hundred refugees on board, this afternoon the same will happen, and this will repeat itself from now on.
Continue reading Lesvos: Incendiary call to action against Frontex and all parts of the European deportation machinery (Greece)

La cama de los periodistas.


*Imagen de la marcha del 8 de Marzo difundida por TNU.

El alimento del show es el show mismo, fuera de eso no hay nada…

Que “el show siempre debe continuar” no es una consigna de algún viejo y poco ético actor sino que es la lógica de funcionamiento y el sentido del mundo actual. En un mundo mediatizado totalmente por la imagen, la imagen se convierte no sólo en el vehículo por excelencia de “todo lo que pasa” sino en una verdadera “necesidad”. La imagen hoy lo es todo, hecho que confirman incluso los desgastados defensores de otros lenguajes. La imagen es una necesidad imperiosa y algo a defender a muerte para aquellos que se benefician con su repetición. Tanto es así que es la imagen y el espectáculo lo que es defendido explícitamente por los medios llamados de información.
Continue reading La cama de los periodistas.

Dacci oggi il nostro panico quotidiano: uno sguardo sui fatti di Bruxelles


Dacci oggi il nostro panico quotidiano
uno sguardo sui fatti di Bruxelles
«La guerra è uno dei tanti fenomeni, il più grave di questi,
che scaturiscono dal presente ordinamento sociale.
E a noi questo fenomeno non deve riuscire inaspettato
poiché sappiamo che esso non è che il corollario inevitabile di questa civiltà.
Perciò noi non possiamo combattere isolatamente il fenomeno,
senza distruggerne le cause prime che lo hanno provocato»
Continue reading Dacci oggi il nostro panico quotidiano: uno sguardo sui fatti di Bruxelles



Madrugada del 23 de Marzo – Santiago

Cuando nos declaramos a viva voz enemigxs de la dominación, contrarixs a la forma de vida impuesta vigilada y controlada por el poder, es una obligación aportar en aquel camino elegido, aportar desde la multiformidad de la acción directa en pos de la lucha. Es así como queremos vivir y lo demostramos con acción antagónica, diciéndole a las policías, al poder. Aquí estamos, existimos, no nos rendimos. Multiplicaremos nuestro accionar, lo potenciaremos, para atacar cuando menos se lo esperen.


Message from imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis to the annual meeting of International Red Aid


I salute the comrades who participate in the yearly meeting of International Red Aid. Comrades from Greece participate for the first time in this meeting, members of the solidarity assembly for political prisoners in Greece who surely will inform you about the situation in Greece with regards to political prisoners, solidarity and generally the political situation in Greece. From my side I will inform you about some recent events that took place here.
Continue reading Message from imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis to the annual meeting of International Red Aid

Sobre la campaña contra el movimiento anarquista.


Nuevamente un compañero es seguido y obligado a presentarse en Inteligencia para luego pasar a declarar ante un juez. Esto no es nuevo, es otro ataque al movimiento y por eso respondemos colectivamente. Somos conscientes de la lucha en la que estamos.
Las fuerzas represivas del Estado continúan atacando a nuestros compañeros hace mucho y seguirán en su función, cada vez más duramente mientras sigamos fortaleciéndonos, mientras la resistencia continúe, mientras la lucha avance en la calle…
Continue reading Sobre la campaña contra el movimiento anarquista.